首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular surgery >Secondary aortoenteric fistula: contemporary outcome with use of extraanatomic bypass and infected graft excision.

Secondary aortoenteric fistula: contemporary outcome with use of extraanatomic bypass and infected graft excision.


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PURPOSE: The standard treatment for secondary aortoenteric fistula (SAEF) has been infected graft removal (IGR) and extraanatomic bypass (EAB), an approach criticized for its high rate of death, amputation, and disruption of aortic closure. Recently, graft excision and in situ graft replacement has been proposed as a safer treatment alternative. Because the current outcome that can be achieved by use of the standard treatment of SAEF has really not been established, we reviewed the records of 33 patients treated for SAEF at our institution during a contemporary time interval (1980 to 1992). METHODS: Thirteen patients (39.4%) were admitted with evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding and infection, whereas nine (27.3%) only had bleeding, 10 (30.3%) only had signs of infection, and one SAEF was entirely occult (graft thrombosis). Four patients required emergency operation. The fistula type was anastomotic in 13 (39.4%) patients, paraprosthetic in 15 (45.5%), and not specified in 4 cases. Thirty-two patients underwent EAB followed immediately by IGR (n = 16, 48.5%) or followed by IGR after a short interval, averaging 3.9 days (n = 16, 48.5%). The final patient underwent IGR, followed by EAB. RESULTS: Follow-up on 31 patients (93.9%) averaged 4.4 +/- 3.7 years. There were nine deaths (27.3%) resulting from the SAEF, six perioperative and three late. Three patients (9.1%) had disrupted aortic closure. There were four amputations in three patients (9.1%), two perioperative and two late. Late EAB infection occurred in five patients (15.2%), leading to one death and one amputation. EAB failure occurred in six patients, two during operation and four late, leading to one amputation. The cumulative cure rate for this SAEF group was 70% at 3 years and thereafter. Compared with our earlier SAEF experience, this is a decline of 21% in the mortality rate, 19% in aortic disruption, and 27% in limb loss. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that outcome reports based on SAEF series extending over long time intervals do not accurately represent the results that are currently achieved with standard SAEF treatment with use of EAB plus IGR. This improved outcome is attributed to wide debridement of infected tissue beds, reduced intervals of lower body ischemia, and advances in perioperative management. To determine whether any new treatment approach actually offers improved outcome in the management of SAEF, comparison with EAB plus IGR should be limited to patients treated within the last decade at most.
机译:目的:继发性主动脉肠瘘(SAEF)的标准治疗方法是感染移植物去除(IGR)和解剖外旁路(EAB),该方法因其高死亡率,截肢和破坏主动脉闭合而受到批评。近来,已经提出了移植物切除和原位移植物替代作为更安全的治疗选择。由于目前尚无法确定采用SAEF的标准治疗所能达到的当前结果,因此,我们回顾了我们机构在当代时间间隔内(1980年至1992年)对33例接受SAEF治疗的患者的记录。方法:13例(39.4%)的患者因胃肠道出血和感染而入院,而9例(27.3%)仅出现出血,10例(30.3%)仅具有感染迹象,其中1例SAEF完全隐匿(移植血栓形成)。四名患者需要紧急手术。瘘管类型为吻合口型13例(占39.4%),副瓣膜型15例(占45.5%),4例未明确。 32例患者接受EAB治疗,随后立即接受IGR(n = 16,48.5%),或在短暂间隔后接受IGR,平均3.9天(n = 16,48.5%)。最后一名患者接受了IGR,随后接受了EAB。结果:31例患者(93.9%)的平均随访时间为4.4 +/- 3。7年。 SAEF导致9例死亡(27.3%),围手术期死亡6例,晚期死亡3例。三名患者(9.1%)破坏了主动脉闭合。 3例患者(9.1%)进行了四次截肢,其中2例为围手术期,另2例为晚期。 5例患者(占15.2%)发生了晚期EAB感染,导致1例死亡和1例截肢。 EAB衰竭发生在6例患者中,其中2例在手术中,而4例迟到,导致截肢。该SAEF组在3年及之后的累积治愈率为70%。与我们以前的SAEF经验相比,死亡率降低了21%,主动脉破裂降低了19%,肢体丢失降低了27%。结论:我们得出的结论是,基于SAEF系列的长期随访结果报告不能准确代表当前使用EAB加IGR进行标准SAEF治疗所获得的结果。这种改善的结果归因于感染组织床的广泛清创,下半身缺血间隔的减少以及围手术期管理的进步。为了确定是否有任何新的治疗方法实际上可以改善SAEF的治疗效果,与EAB加IGR的比较最多应限于最近十年内接受治疗的患者。



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