首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Thermoregulation of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in a beaver-flooded bog in southern Ontario, Canada

Thermoregulation of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in a beaver-flooded bog in southern Ontario, Canada

机译:加拿大安大略省南部海狸淹没的沼泽中斑海龟(Clemmys guttata)的体温调节

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Body temperature has a major influence on the physiological processes, growth, reproductive output, and overall survival of ectotherms. When a habitat is altered as a result of natural or anthropogenic influences, the available temperatures in the habitat can change, thus affecting an animal's ability to thermoregulate. We studied thermoregulation in response to habitat change in a population of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) in Southern Ontario, Canada. Historically, the study site was ditched to draw down water levels to facilitate peat mining, and the resulting drainage ditches were the only habitat containing surface water and turtles were restricted to these drains. Recent colonization of the site by beaver (Castor canadensis) caused increases in water level and water surface area. We followed spotted turtles (N=16) outfitted with radio transmitters and iButtons to estimate body temperatures (T-b) continuously throughout the active season post-flooding. Turtle models outfitted with iButtons (N=50) were deployed in the nine available habitat types to record environmental temperatures (T-e). Turtles (N=13) were tested in a thermal gradient under laboratory conditions to determine preferred body temperature range (T-set). The T-set for the population ranged from 20 degrees C to 26 degrees C. In the field, T-b was within the T-set range 28% of the time from March to October, and 67% of the time from July to August. Efficiency of thermoregulation was calculated to be highest in July and August. The habitat type with the highest thermal quality was the shallow flooded zone created by beaver damming, and the habitat with the lowest thermal quality was the drain bottom, the drains being the only aquatic habitat available prior to flooding. This study confirms that beaver flooding provided a wide variety of preferable thermal opportunities for spotted turtles. Further investigation is needed to determine the effects of flooding on spotted turtle thermoregulation during nesting and hibernation
机译:体温对生理过程,生长,生殖输出和等温线的总体存活有重大影响。当自然或人为影响导致栖息地发生变化时,栖息地中的可用温度会发生变化,从而影响动物的温度调节能力。我们研究了加拿大安大略省南部斑点海龟(Clemmys guttata)种群对栖息地变化的响应而进行的温度调节。从历史上看,研究地点是为了降低泥炭开采而降低水位的,所形成的排水沟是唯一含有地表水的栖息地,而海龟只限于这些排水沟。海狸(Castor canadensis)最近在该地点定居,导致水位和水表面积增加。我们跟踪了配备无线电发射器和iButton的斑点海龟(N = 16),以在洪水后整个活跃季节连续估计体温(T-b)。在9种可用的栖息地类型中部署了配备iButton(N = 50)的海龟模型以记录环境温度(T-e)。在实验室条件下以热梯度对乌龟(N = 13)进行测试,以确定首选的体温范围(T设定值)。人群的T-设定范围是20摄氏度到26摄氏度。在田野中,T-b在3月至10月的时间中占28%,在7月至8月的时间中,处于T-设定范围内。据计算,7月和8月温度调节的效率最高。热质最高的栖息地类型是海狸筑坝造成的浅水淹没区,热质最低的栖息地是排水渠底部,排水渠是洪水之前唯一可用的水生栖息地。这项研究证实,海狸洪水为斑海龟提供了多种有利的热机会。需要进一步调查以确定洪水对筑巢和冬眠期间斑龟体温调节的影响



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