首页> 外文期刊>Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) >Optimization of the trace element determination by ICP-MS in human blood serum.

Optimization of the trace element determination by ICP-MS in human blood serum.


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The ICP-MS for simultaneous trace element determination in human blood has prevailed as the most suitable methodology for clinical aims because of its rapidity, detection limits and minimal sample quantity needed for analysis. As the proteic matrix is high, it is necessary to fine-tune the ICP-MS Agilent 7500i with autosampler CETAC ASX-500 and ISIS System connected, and further we have to the sample pre-treatment in order to obtain good results. The study of the results shows that the best pre-treatment for blood serum samples consists of a basic treatment by 1/10 dilution with a solution of EDTA and NH(4)OH, with a detection limit of the order of mug/L and a reduction of the necessary patient sample volume to 2 mL.
机译:ICP-MS用于人血中同时微量元素的测定已成为最适合临床目标的方法,因为它具有快速,检测限和分析所需的最小样品量的优点。由于蛋白质基质较高,因此有必要在连接自动进样器CETAC ASX-500和ISIS系统的情况下对ICP-MS Agilent 7500i进行微调,此外,我们还必须对样品进行预处理才能获得良好的结果。结果研究表明,对血清样品的最佳预处理包括用EDTA和NH(4)OH溶液1/10稀释进行基本处理,检测限为杯/升和将必要的患者样本量减少到2 mL。



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