首页> 外文期刊>Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: Organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS) >Trace mineral status in post menopausal women: impact of hormonal replacement therapy.

Trace mineral status in post menopausal women: impact of hormonal replacement therapy.


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The risks of disturbances in trace mineral nutrition and metabolism are high following menopause. The aim of the study was to investigate the trace mineral status in postmenopausal women and the influence of hormonal replacement therapy on this status. Forty-four healthy postmenopausal women, aged 50-60 years old participated in the study. Eighteen were treated by combined hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) per os for at least two years, and 26 were untreated. Plasma trace mineral levels (Zn, Se, Cr, Mn, Cu), red blood cell antioxidant enzymes (Cu-Zn SOD, Se-GPX, Cu), urinary Zn, Cr, Mg, and Ca excretion were measured. Zinc, selenium and manganese plasma levels, activities of Cu-Zn-SOD and GSH-Px in erythrocytes were not statistically different between the two groups. The percentage of zinc plasma levels below the cut off of 10.7 micromol/L was higher in HRT treated group than in untreated one, whereas zinc excretion was reduced. Plasma copper concentrations were higher in women treated by HRT, whereas erythrocyte copper levels were not modified. Plasma chromium concentrations were significantly higher in women receiving HRT and urinary Cr excretion was decreased. The HRT group also exhibited lower losses of urinary zinc and magnesium than untreated women. These data suggest that hormonal replacement therapy provides beneficial effects on trace mineral status related to menopause.
机译:绝经后,微量矿物质营养和代谢紊乱的风险很高。该研究的目的是调查绝经后妇女的微量矿物质状态以及激素替代疗法对该状态的影响。 50名60至60岁的44名健康的绝经后妇女参加了这项研究。 18例接受口服联合激素替代疗法(HRT)治疗至少两年,而26例未接受治疗。测量血浆微量矿物质水平(Zn,Se,Cr,Mn,Cu),红细胞抗氧化酶(Cu-Zn SOD,Se-GPX,Cu),尿中Zn,Cr,Mg和Ca的排泄量。两组中锌,硒和锰的血浆水平,红细胞中Cu-Zn-SOD和GSH-Px的活性无统计学差异。 HRT治疗组的锌血浆水平低于临界值10.7 micromol / L的百分比高于未治疗组,而锌排泄减少。接受HRT治疗的女性血浆铜浓度较高,而红细胞铜水平未改变。接受HRT治疗的女性血浆铬浓度显着升高,尿Cr排泄减少。与未经治疗的妇女相比,HRT组的尿锌和镁损失也较低。这些数据表明,激素替代疗法对与绝经有关的微量矿物质状态具有有益作用。



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