首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermal Biology >Effects of central administration of lead, cadmium and other divalent cations on body temperature in mice

Effects of central administration of lead, cadmium and other divalent cations on body temperature in mice


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The intracerebroventricular administration of lead or cadmium to mice produced a marked decrease in body temperature. The maximum decreases in body temperature produced by the central administration of the heavy metals (1.97 + - 0.3 deg C for lead and 2.87 + - 0.6 deg C for cadmium) were similar to those obtained after acute peripheral administration of these compounds. The decreases in body temperature obtained after central administration of calcium, magnesium or zinc were significantly smaller than those produced by the heavy metals. The results indicate that the central nervous system is implicated in the hypothermia induced by these divalent cations and suggest that the alteration of membrane ionic permeability by these substances at hypothalamic sites may be related to the control of body temperature.
机译:脑室内向小鼠施用铅或镉会使体温显着下降。集中施用重金属(铅为1.97 +-0.3℃,镉为2.87 +-0.6℃)所产生的最大体温降低与这些化合物急性外周给药后所获得的相似。集中施用钙,镁或锌后获得的体温下降幅度明显小于重金属所产生的下降幅度。结果表明,中枢神经系统与这些二价阳离子诱导的体温过低有关,并且表明这些物质在下丘脑部位引起的膜离子渗透性的改变可能与体温的控制有关。



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