首页> 外文期刊>Journal of wildlife diseases >Anesthesia of polar bears using xylazine-zolazepam-tiletamine or zolazepam-tiletamine

Anesthesia of polar bears using xylazine-zolazepam-tiletamine or zolazepam-tiletamine


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Immobilization features and physiologic effects of combinations of xylazine-zolazepam-tiletamine (XZT) and zolazepam-tiletamine (ZT or Telazol(R)) were compared in nine captive and 17 free-ranging polar bears (Ursus maritimus) between 1998 and 2001. Although induction time was similar between drugs, induction dosage and volume were less with XZT. Induction of immobilization with XZT was predictable and smooth, muscle relaxation was good, and all bears remained completely immobilized and unresponsive to stimuli throughout a 1 hr handling period. The combination XZT was safely tolerated at two to three times the recommended dosage of 5 mg/kg (i.e., xylazine at 2 mg/kg Telazol(R) at 3 mg/kg). Bears immobilized with XZT had slower pulse rates, higher mean arterial pressures, and lower arterial oxygen tensions than bears immobilized with ZT Rectal temperature increased slowly over time (similar to0.5 C per hr) following immobilization with XZT Based on response to a painful stimulus (compression of a claw bed), XZT was a more effective analgesic than ZT. Although the immobilization effects of XZT could not be reversed with the alpha(2)-antagonist drug tolazoline, they were reversed with yohimbine or atipamezole. However, the time to complete reversal of effects (i.e., standing and ambulatory) was highly variable among bears.
机译:在1998年至2001年之间,对9只圈养和17只自由放养的北极熊(Ursus maritimus)比较了xylazine-zolazepam-tiletamine(XZT)和zolazepam-tiletamine(ZT或Telazol(R))的固定特性和生理效应。药物之间的诱导时间相似,XZT的诱导剂量和体积较小。 XZT的固定诱导是可预测的且平滑,肌肉松弛良好,并且在整个1个小时的处理期间,所有熊均保持完全固定且对刺激无反应。安全地耐受XZT组合的推荐剂量5 mg / kg的2到3倍(即,甲苯噻嗪2 mg / kg,3 mg / kg)。与ZT固定的熊相比,XZT固定的熊具有较慢的脉搏速率,较高的平均动脉压和较低的动脉血氧压。随着对ZZT的固定,直肠温度随时间的推移缓慢升高(类似于每小时0.5 C)。 (压缩羊角床),XZT比ZT更有效。尽管XZT的固定作用不能用alpha(2)拮抗剂托拉唑啉来逆转,但它们可以用育亨宾或阿替哌唑来逆转。但是,完成逆转效果的时间(即站立和走动)在熊之间变化很大。



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