首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Parasitology >Resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes to tetramisole hydrochloride, morantel tartrate and fenbendazole in sheep of Haryana

Resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes to tetramisole hydrochloride, morantel tartrate and fenbendazole in sheep of Haryana


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Sixteen flocks of sheep from unorganized sector of eight districts (five in eastern and three in western region) in Haryana were selected to study the prevalence of resistance in gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes to commonly used anthelmintics, tetramisole (15 mg kg~(-1)) and fenbendazole (5 mg kg~(-1)) by faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). Reduction in faecal egg count was >95% in 33.3%, 16.7% and 23.1% flocks of sheep treated with tetramisole, morantel and fenbendazole, respectively. Further analysis revealed resistance in Haemonchus contortus to the oral doses of tetramisole, morantel tartrate and fenbendazole in 66.7%, 83.3% and 76.9% flocks, respectively. This study shows that resistance in the most pathogenic and dominant parasite, H. contortus, is spreading fast against the commonly used anthelmintics hi sheep of unorganized farms of Haryana. This problem needs to be tackled with the judicious use of available anthelmintics.
机译:选择哈里亚纳邦八个区(东部五个,西部三个)的无组织部门的十六只羊,研究胃肠道(GI)线虫对常用驱虫药四咪唑(15 mg kg〜(-1) )和芬苯达唑(5 mg kg〜(-1))进行粪便卵数减少试验(FECRT)。分别用丁苯甲醚,莫仑太尔和芬苯达唑处理的羊群的33.3%,16.7%和23.1%的羊群粪便卵数减少了> 95%。进一步的分析表明,捻转Haemonchus contortus鸡群对口服丁苯甲醚,酒石酸莫仑太尔和芬苯达唑的抵抗力分别为66.7%,83.3%和76.9%。这项研究表明,在最具致病性和优势的寄生虫(H. contortus)中,抗性正在快速扩散,以对抗哈里亚纳邦无组织农场的绵羊常用的驱虫药。需要明智地使用可用的驱虫药来解决这个问题。



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