首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Tropical Ecology >Influences of forest structure and landscape features on spatial variation in species composition in a palm community in central Amazonia.

Influences of forest structure and landscape features on spatial variation in species composition in a palm community in central Amazonia.


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The mechanisms that maintain palm species diversity in tropical rain forests are still debated. Spatial variation in forest structure produces small-scale environmental heterogeneity, which in turn can affect plant survival and reproductive performance. An understanding of how palms respond to variation in forest heterogeneity may help to explain the diversity and structure of their assemblages. We used multivariate ordination statistics and multiple linear models to analyse how palm assemblages are affected by forest structure and landscape features in central Amazonia. In 72 (250*4 m) forest plots distributed over an area of 64 km 2, we recorded all seedling and adult palms, and measured topographic and soil variables, and components of forest structure and tree abundance. We found 16 976 adults and 18 935 seedlings of 46 palm species and five varieties including two morphological forms making a total of 50 botanical entities. Results show that landscape features (altitude, slope, proportions of soil sand and clay) and various components of forest structure (such as degree of forest openness, abundance of forest trees, logs and snags, and leaf litter mass), influence spatial variation in richness, abundance and species composition of palms, creating ecological gradients in palm community composition. Despite the statistically significant effects of environmental variables,most species occurred throughout the full range of the ecological gradients we studied, indicating that there is either relatively weak niche specialization in the palms, or that the competition between the species is mediated by diffuse demographic processes that cannot be evaluated only through studies of species distributions.
机译:在热带雨林中维持棕榈物种多样性的机制仍存在争议。森林结构的空间变化会产生小规模的环境异质性,进而影响植物的生存和繁殖性能。了解棕榈如何响应森林异质性变化可能有助于解释其集合的多样性和结构。我们使用了多元排序统计和多个线性模型来分析亚马逊中部的棕榈组合如何受到森林结构和景观特征的影响。在面积为64 km 2的72个(250 * 4 m)林地中,我们记录了所有幼苗和成年棕榈,并测量了地形和土壤变量,以及森林结构和树木丰度的组成部分。我们发现了46种棕榈树种和5个变种的16976个成年植物和18935个幼苗,其中包括两种形态学形式,共构成50个植物实体。结果表明,景观特征(海拔,坡度,土壤沙和粘土的比例)以及森林结构的各个组成部分(例如森林开阔度,林木丰度,原木和断枝和枯枝落叶)均会影响空间分布。棕榈的丰富度,丰度和物种组成,在棕榈群落组成中形成生态梯度。尽管环境变量具有统计学上的显着影响,但大多数物种还是在我们研究的整个生态梯度范围内发生,这表明棕榈树中的生态位专长性相对较弱,或者物种之间的竞争是由分散的人口统计学过程介导的。不能仅通过物种分布研究来评估。



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