首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine >Acute deterioration and death with necrotizing enteritis associated with Lawsonia intracellularis in 4 weanling horses.

Acute deterioration and death with necrotizing enteritis associated with Lawsonia intracellularis in 4 weanling horses.


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A n 8-month-old Thoroughbred colt was evaluated in October 2010 with a less than 1-day history of inappetence. Physical examination in the eld revealed throat latch edema, lethargy, and fever (103.8°F) (ref 99–101.5°F). A complete blood count revealed leukocytosis (18.0 × 10 3 /lL; ref 5.0–12.6 × 10 3 /lL) with a relative neutropenia (49%; ref 55–65%) and lymphopenia (26%; ref 35–45%), as well as a toxic left shift (25% bands; ref 0–5%). Serum biochemistry abnormalities included hypoproteinemia (3.3 g/dL; ref 6–7.9 g/dL), hypoalbuminemia (1.2 g/dL; ref 3.4–4.1 g/dL), and an increased BUN (45 mg/dL; ref 11–26 mg/dL), along with other abnormalities (Table S1). Lawsonia intracellularis-induced equine proliferative enteropathy (EPE) was suspected because of the combination of hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, inappetence, and the autumn presentation. Treatment consisted of intravenous oxytetracycline a (6.6 mg/kg IV q24hr), unixin meglumine b (1 mg/kg IV q12h), oral omeprazole c (1 mg/kg PO q24hr), dexamethasone d (0.1 mg/kg IV q24hr), intravenous crystalloid uids e (10 mL/kg IV bolus once), and intravenous colloids f (10 mL/kg IV bolus once). Despite treatment, the weanling was euthanized within 48 hours of presentation because of continued deterioration and signs of pulmonary disease characterized by nasal discharge, epistaxis, and tachypnea. Blood work submitted the morning of euthanasia revealed a worsening leukocytosis (35.4 9 10 3 /lL) with an unchanged dierential, as well as continued hypoproteinemia (3.5 g/dL), hypoalbuminemia (1.1 g/ dL), and an increased BUN (59 mg/dL).
机译:2010年10月对一头n 8个月大的纯种马驹进行了不到1天的食欲不振评估。实地检查发现喉咙水肿,嗜睡和发烧(103.8°F)(参考值99–101.5°F)。全血细胞计数显示白细胞增多(18.0×10 3 / lL;参考值5.0–12.6×10 3 / lL),相对中性粒细胞减少(49%;参考值55–65%)和淋巴细胞减少(26%;参考值35–45%) ,以及有毒的左移(25%谱带;参考0–5%)。血清生化异常包括低蛋白血症(3.3 g / dL;参考6–7.9 g / dL),低白蛋白血症(1.2 g / dL;参考3.4–4.1 g / dL)和BUN升高(45 mg / dL;参考11–26)毫克/分升),以及其他异常(表S1)。由于低蛋白血症,低白蛋白血症,食欲不振和秋季症状的结合,怀疑胞内劳森菌引起的马增生性肠病(EPE)。治疗方法包括静脉注射土霉素a(6.6 mg / kg静脉注射q24hr),unixin葡甲胺b(1 mg / kg静脉注射q12h),口服奥美拉唑c(1 mg / kg PO口服q24hr),地塞米松d(0.1 mg / kg静脉注射q24hr),静脉注射晶体胶e(每次10 mL / kg静脉推注)和静脉注射胶体f(10 mL / kg静脉推注一次)。尽管进行了治疗,但由于持续恶化和以鼻涕,鼻epi和呼吸急促为特征的肺部疾病的体征,断奶在出现后的48小时内被安乐死。安乐死上午提交的血液检查显示白细胞增多(35.4 9 10 3 / lL),差值未变,持续低蛋白血症(3.5 g / dL),低白蛋白血症(1.1 g / dL),BUN升高(59)毫克/分升)。



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