首页> 外文期刊>Journal of sedimentary research >Correlation of aptian-albian carbon isotope excursions in continental strata of the cretaceous Foreland Basin, Eastern Utah, U.S.A.

Correlation of aptian-albian carbon isotope excursions in continental strata of the cretaceous Foreland Basin, Eastern Utah, U.S.A.


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Nodular carbonates ("calcretes") in continental foreland-basin strata of the Early Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation (CMF) in eastern Utah yield δ~(13)C and δO records of changes in the exogenic carbon cycle related to oceanic anoxic events (OAEs), and terrestrial paleoclimate. Chemostratigraphic profiles of both forebulge and foredeep sections show two prominent positive δ~(13)C excursions, each with a peak value of -3% VPDB, and having background δ~(13)C values of about -6% VPDB. These excursions correlate with the global early Aptian (Ap7) and late Aptian-early Albian (Apl2-All) carbon isotope excursions. Aptian-Albian positive δ~(13)C excursions in the CMF also correspond to 3-4 per mil increases in carbonate δ~(18)O. These phenomena record local aridification events. The chemostratigraphic profile on the thinner forebulge section of the CMF is calibrated, for the first time, by a radiogenic U-Pb date of 119.4 ± 2.6 Ma on a carbonate bed, and by detrital zircon U-Pb dates on two bounding sandstone units (maximum depositional ages of 146 Ma and 112 Ma). Pétrographie observations and diagenetic analyses of micritic to microsparitic carbonates from nodules indicate palustrine origins and demonstrate that they crystallized in shallow early meteoric phreatic environments. Meteoric calcite lines derived from CMF carbonates have δ~(18)O values ranging between -8.1 to -7.5%o VPDB, supporting an estimate of zonal mean groundwater δ~(18)O of -6% VSMOW for an Aptian-Albian paleolatitude of 34° N. Furthermore, our two chemostratigraphic profiles exhibit a generally proportionate thinning of correlative strata from the foredeep on to the forebulge, suggesting that there were consistently lower rates of accumulation on the forebulge during the Aptian-Albian. Identification of the global Aptian-Albian δ~(13)C excursions in purely continental strata, as demonstrated in this paper, opens a new avenue of research by identifying specific stratigraphie intervals that record the terrestrial paleoclimatic impacts of perturbations of the global carbon cycle.
机译:犹他州东部早白垩世雪松山脉组(CMF)的陆前陆盆盆地地层中的结节状碳酸盐(“方解石”)产生与海洋缺氧事件(OAEs)有关的外源碳循环变化的δ〜(13)C和δO记录)和陆地古气候。前隆和前隆剖面的化学地热剖面显示了两个明显的正δ〜(13)C偏移,每个峰值的VPDB值为-3%,背景δ〜(13)C的值约为VPDB的-6%。这些偏移与全球早期Aptian(Ap7)和晚期Aptian-早期Albian(Apl2-All)碳同位素偏移相关。 CMF中的Aptian-Albian正δ〜(13)C偏移也对应于碳酸盐δ〜(18)O每密尔增加3-4。这些现象记录了当地的干旱化事件。 CMF较薄的前隆起部分的化学地层剖面首次通过在碳酸盐岩层上的放射性U-Pb日期为119.4±2.6 Ma以及在两个边界砂岩单元上用碎屑锆石U-Pb日期进行了校准(最大沉积年龄为146 Ma和112 Ma。岩溶碳酸盐微碳酸盐岩到微卫星碳酸盐岩的岩相学观察和成岩分析表明,这是帕尔斯蒂林的起源,并表明它们在浅层早期陨石环境中结晶。来自CMF碳酸盐的陨石方解石线的δ〜(18)O值介于VPDB的-8.1%至-7.5%o之间,支持阿普特-阿尔本古纬度的区域平均地下水δ〜(18)O估计为-6%VSMOW 34°N。此外,我们的两个化学地层剖面显示从前缘到前隆起的相关地层通常成比例地变薄,这表明在Aptian-Albian期间前隆起的堆积率一直较低。如本文所述,确定纯大陆地层中的全球Aptian-Albianδ〜(13)C偏移,为识别记录全球碳循环扰动的陆地古气候影响的特定地层间隔开辟了新的研究途径。



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