首页> 外文期刊>Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine >Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and nanohydroxyapatite-type I collagen beads were integral parts of biomimetic bone substitutes for bone regeneration

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and nanohydroxyapatite-type I collagen beads were integral parts of biomimetic bone substitutes for bone regeneration


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Platelet rich plasma (PRP), which includes many growth factors, can activate osteoid production, collagen synthesis and cell proliferation. Nanohydroxyapatite-type I collagen beads (CIB), which mimetic natural bone components, are not only flexible fillers for bone defect but also encourage osteogenesis. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are often used as an abundant cell source for tissue engineering. We used a rabbit model to combine PRP, CIB and BMSCs (CIB+PRP+BMSC) into a bone-like substitute to study its impact on bone regeneration, when compared to defect alone, PRP, CIB+PRP, and PRP+BMSC. CIB+PRP upregulated more alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in BMSCs than PRP alone at 4 weeks postoperation. CIB+PRP+BMSC and PRP+BMSC did not differ significantly in DNA content, total collagen content, and ALP activity at 8 weeks. In histological assay, both CIB+PRP+BMSC and PRP+BMSC showed more bone regeneration at 4 and 8 weeks. Higher trabecular bone volume in tissue volume (BV/TV) (31.15±2.67% and 36.93±1.01%), fractal dimension (FD) (2.30±0.18 and 2.65±0.02) and lower trabecular separation (Tb.Sp) (2.30±0.18 and 1.35±0.16) of CIB+PRP+BMSC than of other groups at 4 and 8 weeks, and approach to of bone tissue (BV/TV=24.35±2.13%; FD=2.65±0.06; Tb.Sp=4.19±0.95). CIB+PRP+BMSC significantly enhanced new bone formation at 4 week. Therefore, nanohydroxyapatite-type I collagen beads combined with PRP and BMSCs produced a bone substitute with efficiently improved bone regeneration that shows promise to repair bone defects.
机译:富含血小板的血浆(PRP)包括许多生长因子,可以激活类骨质生成,胶原蛋白合成和细胞增殖。模仿天然骨骼成分的纳米羟基磷灰石I型胶原蛋白珠(CIB)不仅是骨骼缺损的柔性填充物,而且还促进了成骨作用。骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSC)通常用作组织工程的丰富细胞来源。与单独的缺损,PRP,CIB + PRP和PRP + BMSC相比,我们使用兔子模型将PRP,CIB和BMSC(CIB + PRP + BMSC)组合成骨样替代品,以研究其对骨再生的影响。术后4周,相比单独使用PRP,CIB + PRP上调了BMSC中碱性磷酸酶(ALP)的活性。 8周时,CIB + PRP + BMSC和PRP + BMSC在DNA含量,总胶原含量和ALP活性方面无显着差异。在组织学分析中,CIB + PRP + BMSC和PRP + BMSC均在第4周和第8周显示出更多的骨再生。组织体积中的小梁骨量较高(BV / TV)(31.15±2.67%和36.93±1.01%),分形维数(FD)(2.30±0.18和2.65±0.02)和较低的骨小梁间距(Tb.Sp)(2.30± CIB + PRP + BMSC在第4周和第8周时分别为0.18和1.35±0.16),并且接近骨组织(BV / TV = 24.35±2.13%; FD = 2.65±0.06; Tb.Sp = 4.19±) 0.95)。 CIB + PRP + BMSC在第4周时显着增强了新骨的形成。因此,纳米羟基磷灰石I型胶原蛋白珠与PRP和BMSC结合产生了具有有效改善的骨再生能力的骨替代品,显示出修复骨缺损的希望。



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