首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vector borne diseases >Studies on prevalence of anopheline species and community perception of malaria in Jaffna district, Sri Lanka.

Studies on prevalence of anopheline species and community perception of malaria in Jaffna district, Sri Lanka.


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BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Over two decades of civil unrest and the conflict situation have had detrimental effects on vector control activities and management of malaria in Jaffna district which is an endemic region for malaria in Sri Lanka. With the background that only a few small-scale studies on malaria and its vectors have been reported from this district, a study was designed to explore the current status of malaria in the Jaffna district in relation to vector and community aspects. METHODS: Adults and larvae of anopheline mosquitoes were collected monthly from selected endemic localities. Species prevalence of the collected mosquitoes was studied while the collected adults of Anopheles subpictus, a potential vector in the district, was screened for sibling species composition based on morphological characteristics and exposed to common insecticides using WHO bioassay kits. Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of the community were tested using a pre-tested structured questionnaire in high-riskand low-risk localities in the district. RESULTS: The anopheline mosquito species distribution in the district was--An. culicifacies (0.5%), An. subpictus (46%), An. varuna (4%), An. nigerrimus (44%) and An. pallidus (5.5%). Among the collected larvae the percent prevalence of An. culicifacies was 13% and other species follows as: An. subpictus (71%), An. varuna (4%), An. nigerrimus (10%) and An. pallidus (2%). Sibling species B, C and D of An. subpictus were present in the district with the predominance of B in both coastal and inland areas, while all members showed both indoor and outdoor resting characteristics, they were highly resistant to DDT (4%) and highly susceptible to malathion (5%). KAP study in the district showed a reasonable level of knowledge, positive attitude and practices towards malaria. CONCLUSION: An. subpictus, the reported major vector of Jaffna and a well-established secondary vector of malaria in the country, continues to be the predominant anopheline species. The distribution of sibling species of An. subpictus complex in the Jaffna district, revealed for the first time, has implications for future studies on its bionomics and malaria transmission pattern in this area and the planning of control strategies for this region. The community perception of disease, which revealed a satisfactory knowledge indicates the potential for better community participation in future malaria control activities in this region. As potential vectors are still present, health authorities need to be vigilant to prevent any future epidemics of malaria.
机译:背景与目的:二十多年来的内乱和冲突局势对贾夫纳地区的媒介控制活动和疟疾管理产生了不利影响,贾夫纳地区是斯里兰卡的疟疾流行地区。在该地区仅报道了一些关于疟疾及其媒介的小规模研究的背景下,旨在研究贾夫纳地区疟疾在媒介和社区方面的现状。方法:按月从特定流行地区收集成年和按蚊的幼虫。对收集到的蚊子的物种流行进行了研究,同时根据形态特征筛选了该地区潜在的媒介按蚊的成年按蚊成年物种的组成,并使用WHO生化试剂盒将其暴露于常见的杀虫剂。在该地区的高风险和低风险地区,使用预先测试的结构化问卷对社区的知识,态度和行为(KAP)进行了测试。结果:该地区的按蚊蚊子种类分布为--An。 ic(0.5%),An。亚picpictus(46%),An。瓦鲁纳(4%) nigerrimus(44%)和An。苍白球(5.5%)。在收集的幼虫中,An的患病率百分比。锦鲤为13%,其他物种如下:亚picpictus(71%)瓦鲁纳(4%) nigerrimus(10%)和An。苍白球(2%)。 An的同胞种B,C和D。在沿海和内陆地区,亚种都以B为主,而所有成员都表现出室内和室外的休息特征,它们对滴滴涕具有很高的抵抗力(4%),并且对马拉硫磷的敏感性很高(5%)。在该地区进行的KAP研究表明,他们对疟疾的知识水平,积极态度和做法相当合理。结论:An。亚种,据报道是贾夫纳的主要媒介,也是该国公认的疟疾的次要媒介,仍然是主要的按蚊种。 An的同胞种的分布。首次发现的贾夫纳区亚种群将对今后在该地区的生物学和疟疾传播方式以及该地区的控制策略规划产生影响。社区对疾病的认识表明了解到令人满意的知识,表明该社区有可能更好地参与未来的疟疾控制活动。由于仍然存在潜在的病媒,因此卫生当局需要保持警惕,以防止今后发生任何疟疾流行。



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