首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vertebrate paleontology >Osteichthyans from an Arkadelphia Formation Midway Group lag deposit (Late Maastrichtian-Paleocene), Hot Spring County, Arkansas, U.S.A.

Osteichthyans from an Arkadelphia Formation Midway Group lag deposit (Late Maastrichtian-Paleocene), Hot Spring County, Arkansas, U.S.A.


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A lag deposit that separates the underlying late Maastrichtian Arkadelphia Formation marl from the overlying Paleocene Midway Group limestone in Hot Spring County, Arkansas, U.S.A., contains osteichthyan teeth, scales, and skeletal elements belonging to: Cylindracanthus ornatus Leidy, 1856, Atractosteus sp., Lepisosteus sp., cf. Hadrodus priscus Leidy, 1857, Pseudoegertonia cf. P. granulosus (Arambourg, 1952), Paralbula casei Estes, 1969, Enchodus ferox Leidy, 1855, Enchodus gladiolus (Cope, 1872), Enchodus petrosus (Cope, 1874), Enchodus sp., and Teleostei incertae sedis. Outcrop exposures of this lag deposit occur within the Ouachita River and are expressed as a series of partially submerged, steeply inclined fold limbs that strike obliquely to water flow. The co-occurring osteichthyans recovered in this study span a broad range of salinity tolerances, foraging behaviors, and dietary preferences. Concentration of these osteichthyans indicates transport, exhumation, and reburial associated with storm activity or sea level cyclicity across a shallow Late Cretaceous marine shelf. ArkadelphiaMidway osteichthyan taxa belong to groups that survive the CretaceousPaleocene extinction event.
机译:在美国阿肯色州温泉县将下层马斯特里赫特Arkadelphia组晚期泥灰岩与上古新世中途组石灰岩分开的一种滞后矿床,其骨质,鳞片和骨骼元素属于骨齿,属于:Cylindracanthus ornatus Leidy,1856年,Atractosteus sp。, Lepisosteus sp。,比照。 Hadrodus priscus Leidy,1857年,Pseudoegertoniacf。 P. granulosus(Arambourg,1952),Paralbula casei Estes,1969,Enchodus ferox Leidy,1855,Enchodus gladiolus(Cope,1872),Enchodus petrosus(Cope,1874),Enchodus sp。,和Teleostei incertae sedis。这种滞后沉积物的露头暴露发生在瓦希托河内,并表示为一系列部分浸没的,倾斜倾斜的褶皱肢体,这些褶皱肢体倾斜于水流。在这项研究中回收的共生骨软骨鱼类涵盖了广泛的盐度耐受性,觅食行为和饮食偏好。这些骨鱼类的浓度表明,穿越白垩纪晚期海相陆架的风暴活动或海平面周期性与运输,掘尸和回葬有关。 ArkadelphiaMidway osteichthyan类群属于在白垩纪古新世灭绝事件中幸存的群体。



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