首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Royal Society Interface >On the possibility of galactic cosmic ray-induced radiolysis-powered life in subsurface environments in the Universe

On the possibility of galactic cosmic ray-induced radiolysis-powered life in subsurface environments in the Universe


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Photosynthesis is a mechanism developed by terrestrial life to utilize the energy from photons of solar origin for biological use. Subsurface regions are isolated from the photosphere, and consequently are incapable of utilizing this energy. This opens up the opportunity for life to evolve alternative mechanisms for harvesting available energy. Bacterium Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator, found 2.8 km deep in a South African mine, harvests energy from radiolysis, induced by particles emitted from radioactive U, Th and K present in surrounding rock. Another radiation source in the subsurface environments is secondary particles generated by galactic cosmic rays (GCRs). Using Monte Carlo simulations, it is shown that it is a steady source of energy comparable to that produced by radioactive substances, and the possibility of a slow metabolizing life flourishing on it cannot be ruled out. Two mechanisms are proposed through which GCR-induced secondary particles can be utilized for biological use in subsurface environments: (i) GCRs injecting energy in the environment through particle-induced radiolysis and (ii) organic synthesis from GCR secondaries interacting with themedium. Laboratory experiments to test these hypotheses are also proposed. Implications of these mechanisms on finding life in the Solar System and elsewhere in the Universe are discussed.
机译:光合作用是地球生命发展的一种机制,可以利用来自太阳光子的能量进行生物利用。地下区域与光层隔离,因此无法利用这种能量。这为生活提供了发展替代机制以获取可用能量的机会。在南非矿山深2.8公里处发现的Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator细菌,是由周围岩石中存在的放射性U,Th和K发射的颗粒所诱发的辐射分解过程中收集能量的。地下环境中的另一个辐射源是由银河宇宙射线(GCR)产生的次级粒子。使用蒙特卡洛模拟,表明它是一种稳定的能源,可与放射性物质产生的能源相比,并且不能排除慢速代谢生命在其中繁荣发展的可能性。提出了两种机制,通过这些机制,GCR诱导的次级颗粒可用于地下环境中的生物学用途:(i)GCR通过颗粒诱导的辐射分解在环境中注入能量;(ii)由GCR次级与aries相互作用的有机合成。还提出了检验这些假设的实验室实验。讨论了这些机制对寻找太阳系和宇宙其他地方的生命的影响。



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