首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vestibular research: equilibrium and orientation >Effects of fast head turns on head, trunk and pelvis motions during standing and walking in patients with unilateral vestibular deficit.

Effects of fast head turns on head, trunk and pelvis motions during standing and walking in patients with unilateral vestibular deficit.


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Patients with unilateral vestibular deficit (UVD) report difficulties with maintaining balance while executing fast head turns. Our aim was to determine whether head, trunk, and pelvis angular displacements were symmetrical in patients with UVD as they executed voluntary yaw rotation of the head towards or away from the side of the vestibular lesion, during standing and walking. Eight patients who underwent surgical resection of an acoustic neuroma stood with feet together or walked at comfortable pace across a 10-meter walkway. They turned the head as quickly and as fast as possible in the direction indicated by an illuminating arrow (left, right or none). The head angular displacement was similar towards the affected and intact sides. Acceleration tended to be larger during head rotations towards the affected versus the intact side by 13% at the head, 42% at the trunk and 37% at the pelvis (p> 0.05, NS). The pelvis rotated opposite to the head in 65% of trials towards the affected side and 56% of thetrials towards the intact side during standing and 81% and 69%, respectively during walking. Overall, the UVD had only a minor influence on the symmetry of head, trunk and pelvis kinematics during fast yaw rotation of the head executed during standing and walking.
机译:单侧前庭缺损(UVD)的患者报告在快速转头时难以保持平衡。我们的目的是确定在站立和行走过程中,UVD患者在执行朝向或远离前庭病变侧的自愿性头部偏航旋转时,UVD患者的头部,躯干和骨盆角位移是否对称。接受听神经瘤手术切除术的八名患者站在一起,双脚并拢,或者以舒适的步伐走过10米的人行道。他们以发光箭头指示的方向(左,右或无)尽可能快地转动头部。头部的角位移向患侧和完整侧相似。朝向患侧旋转时,与完整侧相比,旋转时的加速度倾向于更大,头部增加13%,躯干增加42%,骨盆增加37%(p> 0.05,NS)。在站立试验中,盆骨相对于头部的旋转方向与头部相反,分别为65%和36%,而步行期间分别为81%和69%。总体而言,在站立和行走过程中头部快速偏航旋转期间,UVD对头部,躯干和骨盆运动的对称性影响很小。



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