首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the World Aquaculture Society >Evaluation of acid-insoluble ash as an indicator for digestibility determination with red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, and hybrid striped bass, Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis.

Evaluation of acid-insoluble ash as an indicator for digestibility determination with red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, and hybrid striped bass, Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis.

机译:评估酸不溶性灰分,以作为确定是否可消化的指标,使用红鼓,Sciaenops ocellatus和混合条纹鲈鱼,Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis。

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This study was conducted to determine the suitability of acid-insoluble ash (AIA) as an indicator of digestibility in red drum and hybrid striped bass. Two experimental diets were used for the red drum trials. These diets used menhaden fish meal as the sole protein source and were formulated to contain 40% crude protein and 8.2% lipids with an estimated digestible energy value of 3.5 kcal/g. Either chromic oxide or Celite was included in the diet at one percent of dry weight to serve as the inert marker. The diets used for the hybrid striped bass trial were based on an experimental feed mix formulated to contain 53% crude protein and 15% lipid with an estimated digestible energy value of 4.0 kcal/g. The 3 experimental diets for hybrid striped bass were prepared from the basal mixture and supplemented with either 1 or 1.5% Celite or 1% Celite plus 0.5% chromic oxide. In the first trial, the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) calculated based on chromic oxide provided a reasonable estimation of organic matter and crude protein digestibility (~62.2 and 75.6%). However, ADCs calculated based on either internal AIA in the chromic oxide diet or total AIA in the Celite diet failed to provide a proper estimate nutrient digestibility. The AIA content in the faecal samples from red drum fed either chromic oxide or Celite diets 4 h post-feeding was similar or even lower than the dietary concentration in contrast to the increased concentrations of chromic oxide in the faecal samples. In the 2nd trial, faecal samples were collected one hour later than the first trial. The ADCs for organic matter and crude protein calculated based on AIA were lower than those calculated based on chromic oxide. Aggressive feeding was observed with hybrid striped bass throughout the trial. ADCs calculated based on chromic oxide and AIA for fish fed the one percent Celite and the one percent Celite plus 0.5% chromic oxide diets were insignificantly different. ADCs calculated based on AIA for fish fed the 1.5% Celite diet were significantly lower than the other 2 diets, indicating that high AIA inclusion affected the digestibility estimation for hybrid striped bass.
机译:进行这项研究是为了确定酸不溶性灰烬(AIA)作为红鼓和混合条纹鲈鱼消化率指标的适用性。红鼓试验使用两种实验饮食。这些日粮以鲱鱼粉作为唯一的蛋白质来源,配方中含有40%的粗蛋白和8.2%的脂质,其可消化能量估计值为3.5 kcal / g。日粮中包括三氧化二铬或硅藻土,以干重的1%作为惰性标记。用于混合条纹鲈鱼试验的日粮是基于一种实验性饲料混合物配制而成的,该混合物包含53%的粗蛋白和15%的脂质,其可消化能量估计值为4.0 kcal / g。从基础混合物中制备了3种混合条纹鲈鱼的实验饲料,并添加了1%或1.5%的硅藻土或1%的硅藻土加0.5%的氧化铬。在第一个试验中,基于氧化铬计算的表观消化系数(ADC)提供了对有机物和粗蛋白消化率的合理估计(〜62.2和75.6%)。但是,基于氧化铬饮食中的内部AIA或硅藻土饮食中的总AIA计算的ADC无法提供适当的营养物消化率估算值。与粪便样品中氧化铬浓度的增加相比,在饲喂后4小时饲喂氧化铬或硅藻土日粮的红桶粪便样品中的AIA含量与日粮浓度相似甚至更低。在第二次试验中,比第一次试验晚一小时收集粪便样品。基于AIA计算的有机物和粗蛋白的ADC低于基于氧化铬的ADC。在整个试验过程中,混合条纹鲈鱼进食积极。根据饲喂1%硅藻土和1%硅藻土加0.5%氧化铬日粮的鱼的氧化铬和AIA计算的ADC差异不大。基于AIA计算的饲喂1.5%硅藻土饮食的鱼的ADC显着低于其他两种饮食,这表明高AIA夹杂物影响混合条纹鲈鱼的消化率估计。



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