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On the time course of short-term forgetting: a human experimental model for the sense of balance


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The primary aim of this study was to establish whether the decline of the memory of an angular displacement, detected by the semicircular canals, is best characterized by an exponential function or by a power function. In 27 subjects a conflict was created between the semicircular canals and the graviceptive systems. Subjects were seated, facing forwards, in the gondola of a large centrifuge. The centrifuge was accelerated from stationary to 2.5G(z). While the swing out of the gondola (66 degrees) during acceleration constitutes a frontal plane angular-displacement stimulus to the semicircular canals, the graviceptive systems persistently signal that the subject is upright. During 6 min at 2.5G(z) the perceived head and body position was recorded; in darkness the subject repeatedly adjusted the orientation of a luminous line so that it appeared to be horizontal. Acceleration of the centrifuge induced a sensation of tilt which declined with time in a characteristic way. A three-parameter exponential function (Y = Ae(-bt) + C) and a power function (Y = At-b + C) were fitted to the data points. The inter-individual variability was considerable. In the vast majority of cases, however, the exponential function provided a better fit (in terms of RMS error) than the power function. The mean exponential function was: y = 27.8e(-0.018t) + 0.5 degrees, where t is time in seconds. Findings are discussed with connection to possible underlying neural mechanisms; in particular, the head-direction system and short-term potentiation and persistent action potential firing in the hippocampus are considered.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是确定用半圆形通道检测到的角位移记忆的下降最好用指数函数还是幂函数来表征。在27名受试者中,半圆形管与重力感受系统之间产生了冲突。受试者面向前方坐在大型离心机的吊舱中。离心机从静止状态加速到2.5G(z)。虽然在加速过程中从吊舱中摆动出来(66度)构成了对半圆管的额平面角位移刺激,但重力感应系统会持续发出信号,表明受试者是直立的。在2.5G(z)下的6分钟内,记录了感知到的头部和身体位置;在黑暗中,对象反复调整发光线的方向,使其看起来是水平的。离心机的加速会引起倾斜感,这种倾斜感会随着时间的流逝以一种独特的方式下降。将三参数指数函数(Y = Ae(-bt)+ C)和幂函数(Y = At-b + C)拟合到数据点。个体间差异很大。但是,在大多数情况下,指数函数比幂函数提供更好的拟合度(就RMS误差而言)。平均指数函数为:y = 27.8e(-0.018t)+ 0.5度,其中t是以秒为单位的时间。讨论了与可能的潜在神经机制有关的发现;特别是考虑了海马的头部方向系统,短期增强和持续动作电位发射。



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