首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Symbolic Logic >Categoricity and U-rank in excellent classes

Categoricity and U-rank in excellent classes


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Let K be the class of atomic models of a countable first order theory. We prove that if K is excellent and categorical in some uncountable cardinal, then each model is prime and minimal over the basis of a definable pregeometry given by a quasiminimal set. This implies that K is categorical in all uncountable cardinals. We also introduce a U-rank to measure the complexity of complete types over models. We prove that the U-rank has the usual additivity properties, that quasiminimal types have U-rank 1, and that the U-rank of any type is finite in the uncountably categorical, excellent case. However, in contrast to the first order case, the supremum of the U-rank over all types may be ω (and is not achieved). We illustrate the theory with the example of free groups, and Zilber's pseudo analytic structures.
机译:令K为可数一阶理论的原子模型的类。我们证明,如果K在某些不可数的基数上是极好的并且是绝对的,那么在由准集合给出的可定义预几何的基础上,每个模型都是素数和极小。这意味着在所有不可数的基数中K是绝对的。我们还引入了U等级来衡量模型中完整类型的复杂性。我们证明了U-rank具有通常的加和性,准类型具有U-rank 1,并且在无数绝对的极好情况下,任何类型的U-rank都是有限的。但是,与一阶情况相比,所有类型的U秩的最高值可能是ω(并且无法实现)。我们以自由群和Zilber的伪解析结构为例来说明该理论。



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