首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science >Relationship between Fruit Soluble Solid Content and the Sucrose Concentration of the Phloem Sap at Different Leaf to Fruit Ratios in Tomato

Relationship between Fruit Soluble Solid Content and the Sucrose Concentration of the Phloem Sap at Different Leaf to Fruit Ratios in Tomato


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Tomato fruits accumulate most of their solid contents during rapid fruit development. The balance of water transport to assimilate transport into fruits during that stage is an important factor that determines the final solid content of fruits at harvest. In this study, the relationship of sucrose concentration of the phloem sap to the solid content of rapidly growing fruits was investigated. At the anthesis of the second truss, the stem just above the first truss was heat-girdled, while newly emerging leaves above the second truss were pinched regularly to diminish cross translocation of carbohydrates between the source-sink unit, consisting of the second truss and three leaves below, and other parts of the plant. The leaf to fruit ratio (LFR) as the number of leaves per fruit of this isolated source-sink unit was manipulated at the fruit set of the truss. When LFR was increased from 0.2 to 1, fruit dry weight increased linearly from 3.5 to 7 g, but it saturated beyond the LFR of 1. By contrast, the contents of dry matter and soluble sugars on a fresh weight basis increased linearly within the whole range of LFR from 0.2 to 3. The sucrose concentration of the phloem sap, collected from the pedicel by the modified EDTA method, also increased as LFR increased, and a positive correlation was observed between sucrose concentration of the phloem sap and the contents of dry matter and total soluble sugars. These data suggested that solid content can be increased in a wide range of LFR in proportion to the sucrose concentration of the phloem sap.
机译:番茄果实在快速发育期间会积聚大部分固体成分。在此阶段,水分输送与吸收到水果中的平衡是决定收获时水果最终固形物含量的重要因素。在这项研究中,韧皮部汁液的蔗糖浓度与快速生长的果实的固体含量之间的关系进行了研究。在第二个桁架的花筒处,对第一个桁架上方的茎进行热环束处理,同时定期捏紧第二个桁架上方的新出现的叶子,以减少碳水化合物在由第二个桁架和下面的三片叶子,以及植物的其他部分。在该桁架的水果组上操纵叶/水果比率(LFR),即该孤立的源-接收单元的每个水果的叶子数。当LFR从0.2增加到1时,水果干重从3.5 g线性增加到7 g,但超过了1的LFR饱和。相反,以新鲜重量计,干物质和可溶性糖的含量在整个时间内线性增加LFR的范围从0.2到3。通过改良EDTA方法从花梗中收集的韧皮树汁的蔗糖浓度也随着LFR的增加而增加,并且观察到韧皮树汁的蔗糖浓度与干物质的含量呈正相关。物质和总可溶性糖。这些数据表明,固含量可以在韧皮部汁液中与韧皮部汁液的蔗糖浓度成比例地增加。



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