首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society >Newly discovered populations and food plants extend the range of the endangered quino checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha quino (Nymphalidae) in southern California

Newly discovered populations and food plants extend the range of the endangered quino checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha quino (Nymphalidae) in southern California

机译:新发现的种群和食用植物扩大了南加州濒临灭绝的奎诺斑蝶(Euphydryas editha quino(Nymphalidae)的范围)

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The federally endangered quino checkerspot (Euphydryas editha quino (Behr) is restricted to the coastal slope of southwestern California. When the quino checkerspot was petitioned for listing in 1988, it was already believed extinct. However, severalpopulations were detected in the early 1990's in southwestern Riverside County (Oak Mountain, Murrieta Hot Springs, and Temecula) and north-central San Diego County (Oak Grove). Furthermore, a year before the species was listed as endangered on January16, 1997 (Rogers 1997), several quino checkerspots were observed on the western slopes of Otay Mountain in southwestern San Diego County. Since then, additional quino checkerspot populations have been found in southeasten (Jacumba) and south central (west Tecate Peak) San Diego County (Mattoni et al. 1997).
机译:联邦濒临灭绝的藜麦跳棋斑点(Euphydryas editha quino(Behr)仅限在加利福尼亚西南部的沿海斜坡上。当quino跳棋斑点在1988年被要求上市时,已经被认为已经灭绝了。但是,在1990年代初西南部发现了一些种群沿河县(橡树山,穆里塔温泉和特曼库拉)和中北部圣地亚哥县(橡树丛),此外,在该物种于1997年1月16日被列为濒危物种之前(Rogers,1997年),观察到了一些藜麦棋盘点。此后,在圣地亚哥县西南部的奥泰山西坡上发现了更多的藜麦棋盘种群,在圣地亚哥县的东南(Jacumba)和中南部(西特卡特峰)(Mattoni等,1997)。



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