
Zigbee and GSM Based Wireless Data Acquisition for Agriculture


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The main aim of this paper is to design a ZigBee and GSM-based wireless data acquisition system for the agricultural area which is based on low-power ZigBee and GSM based wireless technology. It will also help to develop an automatic irrigation system to irrigate farming field. The data such as soil temperature, soil moisture, humidity, light falling on farming field, and pH collected from farming area are transmitted to the base station using ZigBee and GSM. The present research has wider scope to monitor the agricultural area and in identifying the conditions of farming field. If farmers will be aware of soil moisture and pH value, they can easily forecast where irrigation as well as fertilization are needed. These data is transmitted continuously at the farmer's house using Zigbee and GSM technology. All acquired data is displayed on LCD and saved for records. A message is sent to the farmer on mobile through GSM network to take suitable action. It helps to initiate necessary steps to be taken for systematic and healthy farming in rural areas. The system is designed in such a way that an illiterate person can also operate it.



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