首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). Mining Engineering Division >Assessment of the Status of Ground Water Contamination Due to the Disposal of Iron Ore Tailings in India

Assessment of the Status of Ground Water Contamination Due to the Disposal of Iron Ore Tailings in India


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The fine tailings generated in iron ore beneficiation plants are usually disposed in slurry form in tailing pond. The tailing slurry is usually abrasive and of high viscosity. The tailing pond deposit creates problem due to the leakage of hazardous fluids to ground water. By 2000 AD about 27 Mt of tailings will be generated in India. The location and control of tailing deposits must take careful cognisance of potential impact on ground water aquifers. The studies have been carried out in three iron ore mines in India. All the three mines are provided with beneficiation tailing ponds. Ground water samples were collected from upgradient and down gradient locations of the tailing ponds and analysed to assess the contamination of ground water. Due to leaching, Fe and TDS, were increased on the down gradient side. Mn, Al and Zn were also found to be increased incomparison to upgradient water samples. Hardness and chloride also showed the same pattern. Ground water pollution can be controlled by carrying out EIA studies for its siting and by studying the permeability of surface followed by the provision of suitable liners at the identified areas of high permeability. The methodology adopted can be used as a guide line for the assessment of ground water contamination due to iron ore tailing pond.



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