首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Response of Soybean to Phosphorus and Boron Fertilization in Acidic Upland Soil of Nagaland

Response of Soybean to Phosphorus and Boron Fertilization in Acidic Upland Soil of Nagaland


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Soybean is an important global crop and has very high nutritional value containing 40-45% protein and 18-22% oil. This crop is gaining popularity on account of its unique characteristics and adaptability to various agro-climactic conditions of the Indian soils. Soils of Nagaland are acidic in nature and low in available phosphorus (P) and boron (B). Low availability of phosphorus in these soils is due to fixation of P by Fe and Al oxides. Soybean requires relatively large amounts of phosphorus than the other crops (Laltlanmawia et al. 2004). Adequate supply of phosphorus in early stage of plant growth is important for the development of roots as well as for seed formation and yield. Soybean, being a leguminous crop, builds up the soil fertility by fixing large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen through root nodules. Deficiency of boron has been reported in the acidic upland soils of Meghalaya because of coarse textured and leaching (Takkar 1996) and has become critical for crop productivity. Boron isnecessary for the translocation of sugars, starches, phosphorus, etc and helps in the absorption of nitrogen and formation of nodules (Singh et al. 2006). Soybean requires an adequate supply of available boron, especially during flowering and seed development. Considering the importance of P and B as limiting nutrients in acidic upland soils of Nagaland, an attempt was made to study the influence of levels of phosphorus and boron fertilization on yield, nutrient uptake and protein content of soybean.
机译:大豆是一种重要的全球农作物,具有很高的营养价值,其中含有40-45%的蛋白质和18-22%的油脂。由于其独特的特性和对印度土壤的各种农业气候条件的适应性,该作物正变得越来越流行。那加兰邦的土壤自然是酸性的,有效磷(P)和硼(B)低。这些土壤中磷的利用率低是由于铁和铝氧化物固定了磷。大豆比其他作物需要相对大量的磷(Laltlanmawia等,2004)。在植物生长的早期,充足的磷供应对于根的发育以及种子的形成和产量至关重要。大豆是一种豆科作物,它通过根瘤固定大量的大气氮,从而增强了土壤肥力。据报道,梅加拉亚邦的酸性高地土壤中硼缺乏,原因是粗糙的纹理和浸出(Takkar 1996),这已成为作物生产力的关键。硼对于糖,淀粉,磷等的转运非常必要,并有助于氮的吸收和结核的形成(Singh等,2006)。大豆需要充足的可用硼供应,尤其是在开花和种子发育期间。考虑到磷和硼在那加兰邦酸性旱地土壤中限制养分的重要性,试图研究磷和硼的施肥水平对大豆产量,养分吸收和蛋白质含量的影响。



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