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Salt and Water Balance Studies using SALTMOD for TungabhadraCommand, Peninsular India


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Long-term field experiments are required to develop suitable salt and water balance strategies, but are expensive, site-specific and time consuming. Simulation models, once calibrated using experimental information, could aid as management and decision tools to obtain quantitative guidance in developing and evaluating drainage and irrigation strategies. SALTMOD, a computer programme has been found to be useful for prediction of the salinity of soil water and water table depth in irrigated agricultural lands using different (geo) hydrologic conditions. Field experiments on subsurface drainage (drain spacing, 150 m and drain depth, 0.75 m) were conducted during 1998-2006 near Sindhanur, Karnataka, India in an area of 62 ha. Data collected from the pilot area, where rice-rice cropping sequence was followed, have been used to develop various scenarios of salt build-up and status of the water table. The SALTMOD model predicts that due to existence of subsurface drainage system, root zone soil salinity may be reduced to about 2.5 dS m~(-1) (from an initial value of 8.5 dS m~(-1)) within two years. Controlled drainage during rabi (dry winter season) only and during the critical crop growth stages in both the cropping seasons (rabi and kharif, the wet summer season) had little effect on the build-up in root zone soil salinity; the root zone soil salinity was maintained within a safe limit (< 4.0 dS m~(-1)). Complete blocking of the drainage system during both the cropping seasons had adverse effect and led to be build-up of soil salinity.
机译:需要长期的野外实验来开发合适的盐和水平衡策略,但它昂贵,因地而异且耗时。仿真模型一旦使用实验信息进行校准,便可以用作管理和决策工具,以获取制定和评估排水和灌溉策略的定量指导。 SALTMOD是一种计算机程序,可用于预测使用不同(地理)水文条件的灌溉农田的土壤水盐度和地下水位深度。 1998年至2006年,在印度卡纳塔克邦Sindhanur附近的62公顷土地上进行了地下排水(排水间距150 m,排水深度0.75 m)的现场试验。从试点地区收集的数据(遵循了水稻-水稻种植顺序)已用于开发各种盐分积累和地下水位状况的方案。 SALTMOD模型预测,由于地下排水系统的存在,两年内根区土壤盐度可能会从初始值8.5 dS m〜(-1)降至约2.5 dS m〜(-1)。仅在狂犬病(冬季干燥)期间和两个作物种植季节的关键作物生长阶段(狂犬病和海里夫,夏季潮湿的季节),控制排水对根区土壤盐分的积累几乎没有影响。根区土壤盐分保持在安全限度内(<4.0 dS m〜(-1))。在两个种植季节中,排水系统的完全堵塞都会产生不利影响,并导致土壤盐分的积累。



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