首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Integrated Effect of Mineral Fertilizers and Green Manure on Crop Yield and Nutrient Availability under Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Calciorthents

Integrated Effect of Mineral Fertilizers and Green Manure on Crop Yield and Nutrient Availability under Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Calciorthents


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A field experiment conducted on Calciorthents revealed that average biomass production of green gram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wikzek] at initiation of flowering was 1.12 t ha~(-1) whereas residual yield of green gram was 1.20 t ha~(-1) after picking pods at full maturity stage. On an average, green gram yielded 0.55 t grain ha~(-1). The direct and residual effects of 75% NPK + green manure on grain yield of rice and wheat were more than those through addition of 100% NPK, which indicates that green manurecould easily substitute 25% NPK to each of rice and wheat crop (equivalent to 25 kg N, 6.67 kg P and 8.3 kg K ha~(-1) in rice-wheat cropping system). Green manuring and green gram residue incorporation enhanced the uptake of N, P and K by rice and wheat. The direct and residual effect of green gram residues incorporation was inferior to green manuring because of high C/N ratio of the crop residue (34.3). Significant build up of organic carbon, available N, P and K in soils was recorded under graded levels of fertilizers and also with green manure and green gram straw incorporation after the picking of pods. This study suggests that a short duration pulse crop like green gram can give dual profit by way of providing grain for sale/consumption by the farmer's family and straw as the green manure.
机译:在Calciorthents上进行的田间试验表明,开花初期的绿豆科植物[Vigna radiata(L.)Wikzek]的平均生物量产量为1.12 t ha〜(-1),而绿豆科的残留产量为1.20 t ha〜(-1)。 )在完全成熟的阶段摘下豆荚后。平均而言,绿色克产量为0.55 t谷物ha〜(-1)。 75%NPK +绿肥对水稻和小麦籽粒产量的直接和残留影响大于通过添加100%NPK产生的直接和残留效应,这表明绿色肥料可以轻松地替代25%NPK到水稻和小麦作物中(相当于稻麦系统中的氮素含量分别为25 kg N,6.67 kg P和8.3 kg K ha〜(-1))。绿肥和绿豆渣的掺入增加了水稻和小麦对氮,磷和钾的吸收。由于农作物残渣的高C / N比(34.3),绿色克残渣掺入的直接和残留效应不如绿色肥料。在肥料等级分级下,以及在摘荚后掺入绿肥和绿克秸秆的情况下,记录到土壤中有机碳,有效氮,磷和钾的大量积累。这项研究表明,短时脉冲豆类(如绿克)可通过提供农民家庭出售/消费的谷物和秸秆作为绿肥而产生双重收益。



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