首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Nutrient Management in Indian Agriculture with Special Reference to Nutrient Mining — A Relook

Nutrient Management in Indian Agriculture with Special Reference to Nutrient Mining — A Relook


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The necessity of increasing food production to meet the demand of the ever-increasing population in India hardly requires any over-emphasis. Estimates suggest that at the current level of production (263 million tonne, Mt), an additional 5 Mt food grain has to be added each year to the national food basket for the next decade or so to feed the increasing population. The total area under cultivation remained more or less constant (at 140-142 Mha) over the past several decades, and there are indications that the agricultural lands are gradually being diverted to accommodate increased urbanization and industrialization. It is unlikely that sizable additional area will be brought in under cultivation in the foreseeable future. Therefore, there is no other viable option than increasing crop productivity per unit area, to meet the future production goals.
机译:增加粮食产量以满足印度不断增长的人口需求的必要性几乎不需要过分强调。估计表明,在目前的产量水平(2.63亿吨,Mt)下,未来十年左右,每年必须向国家粮食篮子中再增加5 Mt粮食,以养活不断增长的人口。在过去的几十年中,耕地总面积大致保持不变(140-142 Mha),并且有迹象表明,农业用地正逐渐被转移以适应日益增长的城市化和工业化。在可预见的将来不太可能在耕种方面增加大量的面积。因此,除了提高单位面积的作物生产率以实现未来的生产目标外,没有其他可行的选择。



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