首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Sedimentation Pattern of Piedmont Alluvial Fan in Sub-mountainous Siwalik Hill Tract of Punjab

Sedimentation Pattern of Piedmont Alluvial Fan in Sub-mountainous Siwalik Hill Tract of Punjab


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The piedmont zone, located between the foot hills of lower Siwalik Himalayas and the plains in northwest of Punjab is elongated from north east to south east and its average height varies from 250 to 350 m above mean sea level. Based on the interpretation of satellite imageries along with toposheets of the area, in conjunction with ground truth checking i.e. relief, slope and drainage characteristics, the study area was divided into three physiographic units viz., fan head, middle fan and toe fan. The varying distribution patterns of sediments from different units of the alluvial fan in the piedmont plain of lower Siwalik hills were studied and it has been observed that alluvium was heterogeneous in constitution (sand to boulders). The size of sedimentary particles decreased from the fan head or apex towards the fan tail or toe. The total sand content was maximum in fan head soils with weighted mean (WM) = 89.8% followed by middle fan soils (WM = 88.5%) and toe fan soils (WM = 83.2%). The coarse sand content and fine sand content followed the opposite trend, whereas medium sand content did not show any uniform trend. Coarse sand content decreased from fan head soils (WM = 48.2%) to toe fan soils (WM = 34.8%) and fine sand content increased from fan head soils (WM = 20.5%) to toe fan soils (WM = 39.3%). The silt content also showed an increasing trend from fan head soils (WM = 1.9%) to toe fan soils (WM = 6.4%). The clay content was almost similar in fan head (WM = 8.3%) and middle fan (WM = 8.1%)soils and increased in toe fan soils (WM = 10.5%). The soils of the fan head contained medium to very coarse sized abundant gravels and stones (46.8%) in surface horizon. The content of gravels and stones decreased drastically both in the surface as well as sub-surface horizons of middle fan and toe fan soils. The studied pedons from different units of the alluvial fan did not show development of any surface or sub-surface diagnostic horizons and had A-C profiles only and as such qualified for Typic Ustifluvents according to Soil Taxonomy.
机译:山麓地带位于西瓦利克·喜马拉雅山脉的山麓和旁遮普西北部的平原之间,从东北向东南延伸,其平均高度在平均海平面以上250至350 m之间变化。根据对卫星图像以及该区域的地形表的解释,结合地面真相检查(即地形,坡度和排水特征),将研究区域分为三个自然地理单位,即扇头,中扇和脚趾扇。研究了下西瓦里克山丘山前平原冲积扇不同单元沉积物的变化分布模式,并观察到冲积物在构造上是异质的(从沙到巨石)。沉积颗粒的大小从风扇头或顶点向风扇尾巴或脚趾减小。扇头土壤的总砂含量最高,加权平均(WM)= 89.8%,其次是中扇土(WM = 88.5%)和趾扇土(WM = 83.2%)。粗砂含量和细砂含量呈相反趋势,而中砂含量没有显示出任何均匀趋势。从扇头土(WM = 48.2%)到趾扇土(WM = 34.8%)的粗砂含量降低,从扇头土(WM = 20.5%)到趾扇土(WM = 39.3%)的细砂含量增加。从扇头土(WM = 1.9%)到脚趾扇土(WM = 6.4%),淤泥含量也呈增加趋势。扇头(WM = 8.3%)和中扇(WM = 8.1%)土壤中的粘土含量几乎相似,而脚趾扇土(WM = 10.5%)中的粘土含量增加。风扇头的土壤在地表水平上含有中等至非常粗糙的大量砾石和石头(46.8%)。在中扇和趾扇土壤的表层和表层之下,砾石和石头的含量都急剧下降。来自冲积扇不同单元的已研究脚钉未显示出任何表面或亚表面诊断范围,仅具有A-C曲线,因此符合土壤分类法中典型的Ustifluvents的规定。



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