首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Assessment of Degraded and Wastelands of India

Assessment of Degraded and Wastelands of India


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The natural resources of a country are of prime importance for assessment of productivity of lands and sustainability of the ecosystem. Soil, the most important component of the land, performs many functions to provide us food, fuel, fibre and shelter. For sustained performance, it is essential that the soils are cared for their productive capacity and good health. However, the soil is deteriorating in its capacity of productivity due to natural and human-induced degradational processes. Land degradation is a complex ensemble of surface processes viz. erosion, soil compaction, salinization, acidification, waterlogging, etc. Land degradation has affected about 1900 million hectares (Mha) of lands worldwide (UNEP 1999). Improper use, poor management and exploitive farming practices result in degradation of lands. Ecolo-gists and environmentalists believe that accelerated erosion is a cancer on land that depletes rapidly the productive capacity and causes pollution and eutrophi-cation of natural water(Lai 1988). Therefore, management of soil resources is essential for both continued agricultural productivity and protection of the environment. In India, a large portion of the land area shows clear evidence of land degradation which, in turn, affectsthe country's production base (Abrol and Sehgal 1994). Non-availability of correct information on spatial extent and area under various categories of degraded lands/wastelands remains a major constraint for the overall development of the country and needs immediate attention.
机译:一个国家的自然资源对于评估土地生产力和生态系统的可持续性至关重要。土壤是土地上最重要的组成部分,具有许多功能,可为我们提供食物,燃料,纤维和庇护所。为了保持良好的性能,必须注意土壤的生产能力和良好的健康状况。然而,由于自然和人为引起的降解过程,土壤的生产力正在恶化。土地退化是地表过程的一个复杂整体。土地退化已经影响了全世界约19亿公顷的土地(UNEP,1999)。使用不当,管理不善和剥削性耕作导致土地退化。生态学家和环境保护主义者认为,加速侵蚀是土地上的一种癌症,它会迅速耗尽生产能力,并造成天然水的污染和富营养化(Lai 1988)。因此,土壤资源管理对于持续的农业生产力和环境保护都是必不可少的。在印度,大部分土地面积显示出土地退化的明显证据,这反过来又影响了该国的生产基础(Abrol and Sehgal 1994)。无法获得关于各种退化土地/荒地的空间范围和面积的正确信息仍然是该国总体发展的主要障碍,需要立即予以注意。



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