首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Mineralogical Framework of Alluvial Soils Developed on the Aravalli Sediments

Mineralogical Framework of Alluvial Soils Developed on the Aravalli Sediments


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The study area consists of the alluvial plains of Kothari River, a tributary of Banas and situated in Eastern Rajasthan Uplands. The area is surrounded by Aravalli hills. Sand constituted the major part of the soils of Kothari river plains. Quartz wasthe dominant mineral followed by feldspars and mica in all the plains. There was a mixed mineralogical makeup of clay fraction. Mixed mineralogy of alluvial plains revealed that the soils of the area were formed by mafic and felsic igneous rocks under moderate precipitation with higher base status. Higher cation content or base saturation with low rainfall (<1000 mm) favour the formation of smectites. Decreasing order of minerals (estimated semi-quantitatively) in the soils of alluvial plains could bedepicted as: Illite/mica > smectite > kaolinite > feldspars > quartz > vermiculite = chlorite. Smectite content was highest in the soils of lower plains and least in upper rolling plains while illite/mica was highest in the soils of middle sloping plains. The ratio of 001 and 002 basal reflections of mica was more than unity, suggesting the presence of both biotite and muscovite mica minerals. Other minerals were found randomly distributed without any specific pattern. Youthful nature of the soils of upper rolling plains was indicated due to the presence of talc in their clay fraction. Mineralogy of silt size fraction was very similar to clay mineral framework except the higher content of quartz and feldspars and an equivalent reduction in 2:1 or 1:1 minerals. Smectite, mica, kaolinite, quartz, feldspars with trace amount of chlorite and vermiculite were found in silt size fraction.
机译:研究区域包括科斯塔里河冲积平原,香蕉支流和拉贾斯坦邦东部高地。该地区被Aravalli丘陵所环绕。沙构成了科塔里河平原土壤的主要部分。在所有平原中,石英是主要的矿物,其次是长石和云母。混合了矿物成分的粘土成分。冲积平原的混合矿物学表明,该地区的土壤是由镁铁质和长英质的火成岩形成的,在中等降水量的基础上具有较高的地位。较高的阳离子含量或低降雨(<1000 mm)时的碱饱和度有利于蒙脱石的形成。冲积平原土壤中矿物质的降序(半定量估算)可以描述为:伊利石/云母>蒙脱石>高岭石>长石>石英> ver石=亚氯酸盐。下部平原土壤中蒙皂石含量最高,而上部滚动平原中蒙皂石含量最高,而中坡平原土壤中伊利石/云母含量最高。云母的001和002基反射比大于1,表明黑云母和白云母云母矿物均存在。发现其他矿物无规律地随机分布。由于上层平原土壤中存在滑石,因此表明了上层平原土壤的年轻性质。粉砂粒度级分的矿物学与粘土矿物构架非常相似,不同之处在于石英和长石的含量较高,而2:1或1:1的矿物含量相应降低。在粉砂粒度级分中发现了蒙脱石,云母,高岭石,石英,长石以及痕量的亚氯酸盐和ver石。



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