首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Chemical Properties of Soils under Different Land Use Systems in Shimoga District of Karnataka

Chemical Properties of Soils under Different Land Use Systems in Shimoga District of Karnataka


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Studies on chemical properties of soils under different land use systems indicated that both the soil reaction and lime potential (3.6 and 3.0, respectively) were the lowest, while the exchangeable aluminium was the highest [0.27 cmol(p~+)kg~(-1)] inthe soil under tobacco land use system. Soil under mixed forest land use system recorded the highest total potential acidity [18.7 cmol(p~+)kg~(1)] and buffering capacity [0.76 cmol(p~+)kg~(-1)]. In the upper solum of the soil under mixed forest land usesystem, cation exchange capacity was the highest [48.5 cmol(p~+)kg~(-1)] while the base saturation was the lowest [25.8 cmol(p~+)kg~(-1)] and reverse was true in the upper solum of the soils under cultivated land use systems. Soil under mixed forest land use system recorded higher fixation of both potassium and phosphorus than the soils under cultivated land use systems.
机译:不同土地利用方式下土壤化学性质的研究表明,土壤反应和石灰势均最低(分别为3.6和3.0),而可交换铝最高[0.27 cmol(p〜+)kg〜(- 1)]在土壤下的烟草土地利用制度。混合林地利用系统下的土壤总酸度最高[18.7 cmol(p〜+)kg〜(1)],缓冲能力最高[0.76 cmol(p〜+)kg〜(-1)]。在混合林地利用系统下的土壤上层,阳离子交换容量最高[48.5 cmol(p〜+)kg〜(-1)],而基础饱和度最低[25.8 cmol(p〜+)kg〜] 〜(-1)]和相反的情况在耕地利用系统下的上层土壤中是正确的。混合林地利用系统下的土壤中钾和磷的固着率高于耕地利用系统下的土壤。



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