首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Geological Society of India >Polymodal occurrence of early mafic differentiate associated with mid-proterozoic calc-alkaline plutons of meghalaya

Polymodal occurrence of early mafic differentiate associated with mid-proterozoic calc-alkaline plutons of meghalaya


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Early mafic differentiate of quartz diorite to quartz monzodiorite composition related to Mid-Proterozoic, late- to post-tectonic calc-alkaline (diorite-granodiorite) plutons in Meghalaya occur in three different modes, viz. (1) dykes in country rock gneisses along tectonic locales, (2) endogenous inclusions in the diorite-granodiorite intrusive plutons, as early differentiated product through fractional crystallization or liquid immiscibility, and (3) xenoliths in Upper Proterozoic-Early Palaeozoic granite plutons (Nonpoh granite). These appear to be basic precursors of the granitoids. The mafic inclusions were subjected to metasomatism by granitoids over an extended period starting with the formation of the granitic differentiates of calc-alkaline intrusions and ending with the placement of the later granitic plutons. Petrology and chemistry of the matic rocks suggest a possible basic parentage.
机译:在梅加拉亚邦,石英闪长岩的早期镁铁质区分为与中元古代,构造晚期到构造后的钙碱性(闪长岩-辉长闪闪)岩体有关的石英闪长岩成分。 (1)沿构造区域的乡村岩石片麻岩中的堤坝;(2)闪长岩-斜闪闪岩侵入性胶体中的内生包裹体,是通过分步结晶或液体不混溶而早期分化的产物,(3)上元古代-早古生代花岗岩体中的异岩Nonpoh花岗岩)。这些似乎是花岗岩的基本前体。镁铁质包裹体在较长的时期内经历了类固溶体的交代作用,从形成钙碱性侵入体的花岗岩差异开始,到后来的花岗岩类聚积体的放置结束。岩石的岩石学和化学性质表明可能存在基本的血统。



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