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Tectonic evolution of the Sibumasu-Indochina terrane collision zone in Thailand and Malaysia: Constraints from new U-Pb zircon chronology of SE Asian tin granitoids


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Three principal granite provinces are defined across SE Asia, as follows. (1) The Western Thailand-Myanmar/Burma province consists of hornblende-biotite I-type granodiorite-granites and felsic biotite-K-feldspar (± garnet ± tourmaline) granites associated with abundant tin mineralization in greisentype veins. New ion microprobe U-Pb dating results from Phuket Island show zircon core ages of 212 ± 2 and 214 ± 2 Ma and a thermal overprint with rims of 81.2 ± 1.2 and 85-75 Ma. (2) The North Thailand-West Malaya Main Range province has mainly S-type biotite granites and abundant tin mineralization resulting from crustal thickening following collision of the Sibumasu plate with Indochina during the Mid-Triassic. Biotite granites around Kuala lumpur contain extremely U-rich zircons (up to 38000 ppm) that yield ages of 215 ± 7 and 210 ± 7 Ma. (3) The East Malaya province consists of dominantly Permian-Triassic I-type hornblende-biotite granites but with subordinate S-type plutons and A-type syenite-gabbros. Biotite-K-feldspar granites from Tioman Island off the east coast of Malaysia also yield a zircon age of 80 ± 1 Ma, showing Cretaceous magmatism in common with province 1. Geological and U-Pb geochronological data suggest that two east-dipping (in present-day coordinates) subduction zones are required during the Triassic, one along the Bentong-Raub Palaeo-Tethyan suture, and the other west of the Phuket-Burma province 1 belt.
机译:整个东南亚定义了三个主要的花岗岩省份,如下所示。 (1)泰国西部-缅甸/缅甸省由角闪石-黑云母I型花岗闪长岩-花岗岩和长英质黑云母-钾长石(±石榴石±电气石)花岗岩组成,伴有格列森型脉中丰富的锡矿化作用。普吉岛的新离子微探针U-Pb测年结果​​显示,锆石核心年龄为212±2和214±2 Ma,热套印的边缘为81.2±1.2和85-75 Ma。 (2)泰国北部-西马来亚主山脉省主要是S型黑云母花岗岩,并且在中三叠世期间Sibumasu板块与印度支那碰撞后地壳增厚导致锡矿化。吉隆坡附近的黑云母花岗岩含有非常富铀的锆石(高达38000 ppm),产生年龄为215±7和210±7 Ma。 (3)东马来亚省主要由二叠纪-三叠纪I型角闪石-黑云母花岗岩组成,但具有次要的S型云母和A型正长石-辉长岩。来自马来西亚东海岸刁曼岛的黑云母-钾长石花岗岩的锆石年龄也为80±1 Ma,表明白垩纪岩浆岩与省1相同。地质和U-Pb年代学数据表明,有两次向东倾(在在三叠纪期间,需要一个俯冲带,一个沿Bentong-Raub Palaeo-Tethyan缝合线,另一个在普吉岛-缅甸省1带以西。



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