首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the European Ceramic Society >Addition of small amounts of BiFeO_3 to (Li,K,Na)(Nb,Ta)03 lead-free ceramics: Influence on phase structure, microstructure and piezoelectric properties

Addition of small amounts of BiFeO_3 to (Li,K,Na)(Nb,Ta)03 lead-free ceramics: Influence on phase structure, microstructure and piezoelectric properties


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A small amount of BiFeO_3 (BF) was incorporated into lead-free Li_(0.03)(Na_(0.53)K_(0.48))_(0.97)Nb_(0.8)Ta_(0.2)O_3 (LKNNT) piezoceramics for the purpose of property improvement via phase structure control. It was found that the addition of BF not only induced a series of phase transformations from orthorhombic to tetragonal and further to pseudocubic in LKNNT ceramics, but also enhanced its sintering densification behavior. Even tiny amount of BF addition down to 0.5 mol% could change the room-temperature phase structure from a dominant orthorhombic state to the coexistence of orthorhombic and tetragonal phases, resulting in peak piezoelectric properties of d_(33)~* ~340 pm/V, k_p ~ 47.0%. When the amount of BF was increased to 0.75 mol%, the tetragonal phase became dominant in the modified LKNNT ceramics, which exhibited excellent temperature stability, despite its slightly lowered piezoelectric coefficients.
机译:出于性能目的,将少量BiFeO_3(BF)掺入无铅Li_(0.03)(Na_(0.53)K_(0.48))_(0.97)Nb_(0.8)Ta_(0.2)O_3(LKNNT)压电陶瓷中通过相结构控制进行改进。研究发现,BF的加入不仅在LKNNT陶瓷中引起了从正交晶向四方晶系向伪立方晶系的一系列相变,而且还增强了其烧结致密化行为。甚至少量添加至0.5 mol%的BF都可以将室温相结构从主导的正交晶态改变为正交相和四方相的共存,从而导致d_(33)〜*〜340 pm / V的峰值压电性能。 ,k_p〜47.0%。当BF的量增加至0.75mol%时,尽管改性压电体的压电系数略有降低,但四方相在改性的LKNNT陶瓷中占主导地位,该陶瓷表现出优异的温度稳定性。



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