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The ZrC-C eutectic structure and melting behaviour: A high-temperature radiance spectroscopy study


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A fast spectro-pyrometer has been employed for radiance measurements of zirconium carbide samples laser-heated to very high temperature, for compositions 0.7 ≤ C/Zr ≤ 2.61 and in a spectral range 0.550 μm ≤ λ ≤ 0.900 u,m. The ZrC-C eutectic temperature has been taken as the radiance reference. The measured normal spectral emissivity (NSE) ε_λ of solid zirconium carbide is close to 0.6 at 0.650 μm, in agreement with previous literature. Its high-temperature behaviour, value in the liquid, carbon-content and wavelength dependences in the visible-near infrared range have been determined here for the first time. Liquid zirconium carbide seems to interact with electromagnetic radiation in a more metallic way than the solid. A considerable NSE increase has been observed at increasing carbon content, which can be interpreted on the basis of preferential growth along the "c" plane of the carbon lamellae in the eutectic structure.
机译:快速光谱高温计已被用于激光加热至极高温度的碳化锆样品的辐射度测量,其组成为0.7≤C / Zr≤2.61,光谱范围为0.550μm≤λ≤0.900 u,m。 ZrC-C共晶温度已作为辐射参考。固态碳化锆的实测法向光谱发射率(NSE)ε_λ在0.650μm处接近0.6,与先前的文献一致。在此首次确定了其高温特性,液体中的值,碳含量和可见光-近红外范围内的波长依赖性。液态碳化锆似乎以比固态更金属的方式与电磁辐射相互作用。随着碳含量的增加,已经观察到NSE的显着增加,这可以基于在共晶结构中沿着碳薄片的“ c”面的优先生长来解释。



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