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Refractory glass-ceramics based on alkaline earth aluminosilicates


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Glass-ceramics that can be used at temperatures of 1200-1500 deg C are found in the alkaline earth aluminosilicate field, and are generally nucleated internally with titania. These glass-ceramics have good strength (>100MPa, abraded), can be tailored to produce high fracture toughness (2-5 MPa m~(1/2)), and have good dielectric properties. Coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEs) are low to moderate ((25-45) X 10~(-7) deg C~(-1), from 25 to 1000 deg C). The major crystalline phase in the glass-ceramics exhibiting the lowest CTEs is hexagonal cordierite (indialite), while important toughening accessory phases are enstatite and acicular magnesium dititanate. The most refractory glass-ceramics that are easily melted at 1650 deg C, yet when crystallized do not deform at 1450 deg C, are based on strontium and barium monoclinic feldspars of the celsian type. CTEs range from 35 to 45 X 10~(-7) deg C~(-1). Acicular mullite is an important accessory phase aiding fracture toughness in these materials. Mullite glass-ceramics which contain considerable siliceous residual glass are probably the most refractory of these glass-ceramics, but they require melting above 1700 deg C. Nevertheless, they can be used at temperatures near 1600 deg C. Potential applications for refractory glass-ceramics include improved radomes, engine components, substrates for semiconductors and precision metallurgical molds.
机译:在碱土金属铝硅酸盐领域发现可以在1200-1500摄氏度的温度下使用的玻璃陶瓷,并且通常在内部被二氧化钛成核。这些玻璃陶瓷具有良好的强度(> 100MPa,磨损),可以定制以产生高的断裂韧性(2-5 MPa m〜(1/2)),并具有良好的介电性能。热膨胀系数(CTE)低至中等((25-45)X 10〜(-7)摄氏度〜(-1),从25到1000摄氏度)。玻璃陶瓷中CTE最低的主要结晶相是六角堇青石(辉绿岩),而重要的增韧辅助相是顽辉石和针状二钛酸镁。最难熔的玻璃陶瓷是在锶和钡的单斜长石的基础上,在1650摄氏度容易熔化,但在1450摄氏度结晶时不会变形。 CTE的范围是35至45 X 10〜(-7)摄氏度〜(-1)。针状莫来石是辅助这些材料的断裂韧性的重要辅助相。含大量硅质残留玻璃的莫来石玻璃陶瓷可能是这些玻璃陶瓷中最难熔的,但它们需要在1700摄氏度以上熔化。尽管如此,它们仍可在1600摄氏度附近使用。耐火玻璃陶瓷的潜在应用包括改进的天线罩,发动机部件,半导体基板和精密冶金模具。



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