
Seventy ways to make ceramics


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This is an attempt to classify ceramic manufacturing processes in such a way that the connections to related operations in other industries and to the ancient crafts of antiquity become apparent. The aim is to make it easier for students of ceramic processing to move seamlessly across a terrain that is conceptually integrated and therefore to find solutions to manufacturing problems through creativity informed by a pan-materials taxonomy of processes. This approach veers towards the 'systematic' method of creativity as exemplified by TRIZ but it is important to recognise that in some organisations the 'chaos' approach is also gaining recognition and what at first appears to be an oxymoron; 'management for chaos' is gaining acceptance. The relevance of an integrated approach to processing of materials is discussed in relation to the efficacy of the National System of Innovation (NSI).
机译:这是对陶瓷制造过程进行分类的一种尝试,以使与其他行业的相关操作以及古代工艺的联系变得显而易见。目的是使陶瓷加工的学生更轻松地在概念上集成的地形上无缝移动,从而通过基于泛材料分类法的创造力找到解决制造问题的方法。这种方法朝着TRIZ所体现的“系统性”创造力方向发展,但重要的是要认识到,在某些组织中,“混沌”方法也正在获得认可,起初似乎是矛盾的。 “混乱的管理”正在被接受。讨论了综合处理材料的方法与国家创新体系(NSI)的有效性的相关性。



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