首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. Inorganic Chemistry >Redox behavior of cerium in heteropolyoxotungstate complexes

Redox behavior of cerium in heteropolyoxotungstate complexes


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In situ XAFS spectroelectrochemistry is used to characterize the oxidation state and coordination environment of cerium in two different heteropolytungstates, the Wells-Dawson[Ce(α-2-P_2W_(17)O_(61)_2]~(17-) anion, and the Preyssler [CeP_5W_(30)O_(110)]~(12-) anion. Ce(III), coordinated to the Wells-Dawson framework, is oxidized at an applied potential of +0.37V vs. Ag/AgCl. This is 1.15 V less than the Ce(IV)/Ce(III) standard reduction potential of +1.52V vs. Ag/AgCl, demonstrating that Ce(IV) is stabilized in this heteropolyanion. In contrast, Ce(III) when encapsulated in the Preyssler anion is not oxidized at potentials higher than would be required for its oxidation in a non-complexing medium. indicating a stabilization of Ce(III). This is despite the 12- charge on the anion. The different redox behavior of Ce is understood in terms of the different coordination environments afforded by the two heteropolyanions. The relative importance of saturative coordination versus electrostatic stabilization in the redox behavior of these two complexes is discussed.
机译:XAFS光谱电化学用于表征两种不同杂多钨酸盐中的铈的氧化态和配位环境,即Wells-Dawson [Ce(α-2-P_2W_(17)O_(61)_2]〜(17-)阴离子和Preyssler [CeP_5W_(30)O_(110)]〜(12-)阴离子,与Wells-Dawson骨架配位的Ce(III)在+ 0.37V相对于Ag / AgCl的施加电势下被氧化。与Ag / AgCl相比,Ce(IV)/ Ce(III)的标准还原电位+ 1.52V低1.15 V,这表明Ce(IV)在该杂多阴离子中是稳定的。早于非复合介质中的氧化,Preyssler阴离子的电势不会被氧化,这表明Ce(III)稳定了,尽管阴离子上带有12个电荷,但可以理解Ce的不同氧化还原行为根据两种杂多阴离子提供的不同配位环境饱和配位与静电的相对重要性讨论了这两种配合物的氧化还原行为的稳定性。



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