首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology: JEADV >Familial reactive perforating collagenosis: a clinical, histopathological study of 10 cases.

Familial reactive perforating collagenosis: a clinical, histopathological study of 10 cases.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the clinical and histopathological features of familial reactive perforating collagenosis (RPC). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients, including affected siblings in three, took part in the study. Parental consanguinity was present in one. Histopathological study was performed in all patients. RESULTS: The eruptions appeared mainly during infancy or early childhood as papules showing a central plug, which subsided within 10 weeks. Areas commonly affected were the face, extremities and trunk. Rare sites were the scalp, ears and buttocks. One pregnant woman, in whom RPC had first manifested around puberty, had relatively widespread lesions. In those with seasonal variation, recurrences were seen a little more frequently in summer than in winter owing to the longer duration of the former. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis with follicular involvement in four cases. In two patients whose backs were also affected, the lesions went unnoticed, as they were small and inconspicuous. In addition, the brother of a girl with RPC who claimed to be free of the dermatosis, had facial scars suggestive of RPC in the past. CONCLUSIONS: Familial RPC can remain quiescent for a long period and the inherited defect not only shows extreme variability in expression but also demonstrates that lesions can be few and localized so as to escape notice in individuals and family members presenting with this benign, uncommon and self-subsiding dermatosis. In all patients topical retinoic acid was helpful in early regression. Sunscreens may mitigate the severity of RPC in those whose lesions are precipitated in summer but this needs further evaluation.
机译:目的:探讨家族性反应性穿孔性胶原病(RPC)的临床和组织病理学特征。材料与方法:十名患者,包括三名受影响的兄弟姐妹,参加了该研究。父母的血缘合二为一。所有患者均进行了组织病理学研究。结果:爆发主要在婴儿期或幼儿期出现,丘疹表现为中央栓塞,并在10周内消退。通常受影响的区域是面部,四肢和躯干。稀有部位是头皮,耳朵和臀部。 RPC最早在青春期左右出现的一名孕妇患有相对广泛的病变。在那些季节性变化的人群中,由于前者的持续时间较长,因此夏季复发的频率要高于冬季。组织病理学证实有4例滤泡受累。在背部也受到影响的两名患者中,由于病变小且不明显,因此病变未被注意到。另外,自称没有皮肤病的RPC女孩的兄弟过去曾有面部疤痕提示RPC。结论:家族性RPC可长期保持静止状态,遗传缺陷不仅表现出极高的表达变异性,而且还表明病变很少且局部化,从而避免了表现出这种良性,罕见和自我的个体和家庭成员的注意。 -沉降性皮肤病。在所有患者中,局部视黄酸有助于早期消退。防晒霜可以减轻病变在夏季沉淀的那些人的RPC严重程度,但这需要进一步评估。



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