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The First Islamic Legal Theory:Ibn al-Muqaffd on Interpretation,Authority, and the Structure of the Law

机译:第一个伊斯兰法律理论:伊本·穆卡夫(Ibn al-Muqaffd)关于解释,权威和法律结构的信息

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Disorder in the law is a recurring concern in legal systems. Premodern Islamic legalsystems are no exception, and indeed we find concerns about disorderly jurisprudence ex-pressed even in the formative period of Islamic law, as we shall see below. Commitment tothe rule of law is a commitment to orderly jurisprudence, sometimes in the name of orderlygovernance. But, of course, anything as complex as a legal system is by nature disorderly.Conceptualizing the ordering of a legal system therefore invariably involves an ideologicalmove in which some spheres of the law are imagined as well ordered (whether or not theyare) and others portrayed as potentially more fluid. Obviously, the distinction between settledlaw and law requiring interpretation, reform, and so on, involves questions of epistemologyand authority, especially interpretive authority, issues that are closely linked in premodernIslamic legal thought.1 We find precisely such a distinction, driven by concerns about epis-temology and interpretive authority, at the"aawn of Islamic legal theory, in the Risala fi-l-s'alydba of `AbdalPdh Ibn al-Muqaffa` (d. ca. 757).2
机译:法律混乱是法律体系中经常出现的问题。前现代的伊斯兰法律制度也不例外,事实上,即使在伊斯兰法律的形成时期,我们也确实表达了对无序法学的关注,我们将在下面看到。对法治的承诺是对有序法学的承诺,有时以有序治理的名义进行。但是,当然,任何复杂的法律体系本质上都是无序的,因此,对法律体系的秩序进行概念化总是涉及一种意识形态上的运动,其中法律的某些领域被认为是有序的(无论它们是否存在),而其他领域则被描绘出来。因为可能更流畅。显然,定居法与需要解释,改革等的法律之间的区别涉及认识论和权威(尤其是解释权威)问题,这些问题与前现代伊斯兰法律思想密切相关。1我们正是出于对证据的关注而发现了这种区别。意识形态和解释权威,在“伊斯兰法律理论的黎明”,在“ AbdalPdh Ibn al-Muqaffa”的Risala fi-l-s'alydba中(卒于757年).2



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