首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. >Evaluation of the efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin applied as ultra-low volume and thermal fog for emergency control of Aedes aegypti in Honduras.

Evaluation of the efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin applied as ultra-low volume and thermal fog for emergency control of Aedes aegypti in Honduras.


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An extended-duration formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin (Demand CS) applied as either an ultra-low volume (ULV) or thermal fog spray from a new handheld sprayer (Terrier) against Aedes aegypti was evaluated in Honduras. Spray applications were made at the front door for 1 min or to each room for 15 sec, both for the ULV and thermal fog applications to houses in separate blocks for each treatment. The efficacy and duration of effectiveness of the spray was determined from sentinel caged mosquito mortality and collection of mosquitoes within houses with a backpack power aspirator. Sentinel caged mosquito mortality in both open and sequestered locations was 97-100% for all spray treatments, with control mortality less than 2%. Both ULV applications (front door and each room) provided 4 wk of significant control (P < 0.01) based on adult Ae. aegypti house collections.
机译:在洪都拉斯评估了长效氟氯氰菊酯的延长配方(需求CS),该配方是从新型手持喷雾器(Terrier)对埃及伊蚊的超低量(ULV)或热雾喷雾施用。在前门进行喷涂1分钟,或在每个房间进行喷涂15秒钟,对于ULV和热雾喷涂均应在每次处理的单独区域中进行喷涂。喷雾的效力和效力持续时间由前哨笼状蚊子死亡率和带有背包式电动吸尘器的房屋内蚊子的收集情况确定。对于所有喷雾处理,在开放和隔离地点的前哨笼状蚊子死亡率均为97-100%,对照死亡率低于2%。 ULV的两种应用(前门和每个房间)都基于成人Ae提供了4 wk的有效控制(P <0.01)。埃及房屋收藏。



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