首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : >Evaluation of generic medical information accessed via mobile phones at the point of care in resource-limited settings

Evaluation of generic medical information accessed via mobile phones at the point of care in resource-limited settings


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Objective Many mobile phone resources have been developed to increase access to health education in the developing world, yet few studies have compared these resources or quantified their performance in a resourcelimited setting. This study aims to compare the performance of resident physicians in answering clinical scenarios using PubMed abstracts accessed via the PubMed for Handhelds (PubMed4Hh) website versus medical/drug reference applications (Medical Apps) accessed via software on the mobile phone. Methods A two-arm comparative study with crossover design was conducted. Subjects, who were resident physicians at the University of Botswana, completed eight scenarios, each with multi-part questions. The primary outcome was a grade for each question. The primary independent variable was the intervention arm and other independent variables included residency and question. Results Within each question type there were significant differences in 'percentage correct' between Medical Apps and PubMed4Hh for three of the six types of questions: drug-related, diagnosis/definitions, and treatment/management. Within each of these question types, Medical Apps had a higher percentage of fully correct responses than PubMed4Hh (63% vs 13%, 33% vs 12%, and 41% vs 13%, respectively). PubMed4Hh performed better for epidemiologic questions. Conclusions While mobile access to primary literature remains important and serves an information niche, mobile applications with condensed content may be more appropriate for point-of-care information needs. Further research is required to examine the specific information needs of clinicians in resource-limited settings and to evaluate the appropriateness of current resources in bridging location- and context-specific information gaps.
机译:目标已经开发了许多手机资源来增加发展中国家的健康教育机会,但很少有研究在资源有限的情况下比较这些资源或量化其性能。这项研究的目的是比较居民医生在通过PubMed for Handhelds(PubMed4Hh)网站访问的PubMed摘要与通过手机软件访问的医学/药物参考应用程序(Medical Apps)回答临床情况时的性能。方法进行了两臂交叉设计的比较研究。受试者是博茨瓦纳大学的驻场医师,他们完成了八个场景,每个场景都包含多个部分的问题。主要结果是每个问题的等级。主要的独立变量是干预部门,其他独立变量包括居住权和问题。结果在每种问题类型中,针对六个问题类型中的三个问题,Medical Apps和PubMed4Hh之间的“正确率百分比”存在显着差异:药物相关,诊断/定义以及治疗/管理。在每种问题类型中,Medical Apps的完全正确回答百分比均高于PubMed4Hh(分别为63%比13%,33%比12%和41%比13%)。在流行病学问题上,PubMed4Hh表现更好。结论尽管通过移动设备访问主要文献仍然很重要,并且服务于信息市场,但内容紧凑的移动应用程序可能更适合即时医疗信息需求。需要进行进一步的研究,以检查在资源有限的环境中临床医生的特定信息需求,并评估当前资源在弥合特定位置和特定环境的信息差距方面的适当性。



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