首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : >An informatics agenda for public health: summarized recommendations from the 2011 AMIA PHI Conference.

An informatics agenda for public health: summarized recommendations from the 2011 AMIA PHI Conference.

机译:公共卫生信息学议程:总结了2011年AMIA PHI会议的建议。

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The AMIA Public Health Informatics 2011 Conference brought together members of the public health and health informatics communities to revisit the national agenda developed at the AMIA Spring Congress in 2001, assess the progress that has been made in the past decade, and develop recommendations to further guide the field. Participants met in five discussion tracks: technical framework; research and evaluation; ethics; education, professional training, and workforce development; and sustainability. Participants identified 62 recommendations, which clustered into three key themes related to the need to (1) enhance communication and information sharing within the public health informatics community, (2) improve the consistency of public health informatics through common public health terminologies, rigorous evaluation methodologies, and competency-based training, and (3) promote effective coordination and leadership that will champion and drive the field forward. The agenda and recommendations from the meeting will be disseminated and discussed throughout the public health and informatics communities. Both communities stand to gain much by working together to use these recommendations to further advance the application of information technology to improve health.
机译:2011年AMIA公共卫生信息学大会汇集了公共卫生和健康信息学界的成员,以回顾2001年AMIA春季大会制定的国家议程,评估过去十年中取得的进展,并提出建议以进一步指导场。与会者参加了五个讨论会:技术框架;研究和评估;伦理;教育,专业培训和劳动力发展;和可持续性。参与者确定了62项建议,这些建议被归纳为与以下三个主题相关的主题:(1)加强公共卫生信息学界内部的交流和信息共享;(2)通过通用的公共卫生术语,严格的评估方法提高公共卫生信息学的一致性。 ,以及基于能力的培训,以及(3)促进有效的协调和领导,这将支持并推动该领域的前进。会议的议程和建议将在整个公共卫生和信息学界进行传播和讨论。通过共同努力使用这些建议来进一步推进信息技术的应用以改善健康,这两个社区都将从中获益匪浅。



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