首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >Geriatric principles: evidence-based medicine at its best.

Geriatric principles: evidence-based medicine at its best.


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Much of geriatric care involves doing the obvious and involves "high-touch" care with a skilled interprofessional team. Despite this, the Cochrane collaboration meta-analysis showed that comprehensive geriatric assessment reduced institutionalization and death or deterioration and improved cognition. Outcomes were best when carried out in an inpatient environment that is often equivalent to a specialized skilled nursing facility. Subsequently, a comprehensive geriatric assessment for frail patients with heart failure showed a decrease in hospitalization and a cost savings for frail and prefrail patients. Delirium intensive care units have been shown to reduce length of stay in hospitals and improve outcomes for persons with delirium. A simple volunteer-run preventive program limited the rate of functional deterioration. Nursing homes with medical directors who have received training in geriatric principles have better outcomes than those who have not had training. The Journal has characterized the difficulty and expense of obtaining high-quality outcomes in patients with hip fracture. In this issue, Singh et al present a remarkable study in which the addition of a comprehensive geriatric assessment and resistance training markedly improved outcomes for patients with hip fracture.
机译:老年病护理中的许多工作涉及做显而易见的事情,并涉及由熟练的跨专业团队进行的“高接触”护理。尽管如此,Cochrane合作荟萃分析显示,全面的老年医学评估减少了机构化和死亡或恶化,并提高了认知度。当在住院环境中进行治疗时效果最好,这通常相当于专门的熟练护理机构。随后,对衰弱的心力衰竭患者进行了全面的老年病评估,结果显示住院治疗减少,并且为衰弱和脆弱的患者节省了费用。妄重症监护室已被证明可以减少住院时间并改善with妄患者的结局。一个简单的由志愿者经营的预防计划限制了功能恶化的速度。与未接受过老年医学原则培训的医学总监一起组成的疗养院,其结果要好得多。 《华尔街日报》的主题是髋部骨折患者获得高质量预后的困难和费用。在本期中,Singh等人进行了一项非凡的研究,其中添加了全面的老年医学评估和抵抗力训练可显着改善髋部骨折患者的预后。



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