首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences >A Simple Analytical Model of the Nocturnal Low-Level Jet over the Great Plains of the United States

A Simple Analytical Model of the Nocturnal Low-Level Jet over the Great Plains of the United States


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A simple analytical model including both diurnal thermal forcing over sloping terrain (the "Holton" mechanism) and diurnally varying boundary layer friction (the "Blackadar" mechanism) is developed to account for the observed amplitude and phase of the low-level jet (LLJ) over the Great Plains and to understand better the role of each mechanism. The present model indicates that, for the pure Holton mechanism (time-independent friction coefficient), the maximum southerly wind speed v(max) occurs (depending on the assumed friction coefficient) between sunset and midnight local standard time, which is earlier than the observed after-midnight maximum. For the pure Blackadar mechanism (time-independent thermal forcing), the present model shows that v(max) generally occurs later (closer to sunrise) than observed and has a strong latitudinal dependence. For both mechanisms combined, the present model indicates that v(max) occurs near to the observed time, which lies between the time obtained in the pure Holton mechanism and the time obtained in the pure Blackadar mechanism; furthermore, v(max) is larger (and closer to that observed) than in each one considered individually. The amplitude and phase of the LLJ as a function of latitude can be obtained by the combined model by allowing for the observed latitude-dependent mean and diurnally varying thermal forcing.
机译:建立了一个简单的分析模型,既包括在倾斜地形上的昼夜热强迫(“霍尔顿”机制),又有昼夜变化的边界层摩擦力(“ Blackadar”机制),以解决低空射流(LLJ)的振幅和相位问题),并更好地了解每种机制的作用。本模型表明,对于纯Holton机理(与时间无关的摩擦系数),最大的南风速v(max)(取决于假定的摩擦系数)在日落和午夜当地标准时间之间出现,这早于午夜后观察到的最大值。对于纯Blackadar机制(与时间无关的热强迫),本模型显示v(max)通常比观察到的发生得更晚(更接近日出),并且具有很强的纬度依赖性。对于这两种机制,本模型表明v(max)接近于观察到的时间,该时间介于纯Holton机制获得的时间和纯Blackadar机制获得的时间之间。此外,v(max)比单独考虑的每个更大(并且更接近观察到的)。 LLJ的幅值和相位作为纬度的函数可以通过组合模型获得,方法是允许观察到的纬度相关均值和昼夜变化的热强迫。



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