首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences >Zonal and vertical structure of the Madden-Julian oscillation

Zonal and vertical structure of the Madden-Julian oscillation


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A statistical study of the three-dimensional structure of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) is carried out by projecting dynamical fields from reanalysis and radiosonde data onto space-time filtered outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data. MJO convection is generally preceded by low-level convergence and upward motion in the lower troposphere, while subsidence, cooling, and drying prevail aloft. This leads to moistening of the boundary layer and the development of shallow convection, followed by a gradual and then more rapid lofting of moisture into the middle troposphere at the onset of deep convection. After the passage of the heaviest rainfall, a westerly wind burst region is accompanied by stratiform precipitation, where lower tropospheric subsidence and drying coincide with continuing upper tropospheric upward motion. The evolution of the heating field leads to a temperature structure that favors the growth of the MJO. The analysis also reveals distinct differences in the vertical structure of the MJO as it evolves, presumably reflecting changes in its vertical heating profile, phase speed, or the basic-state circulation that the MJO propagates through.The dynamical structure and the evolution of cloud morphology within the MJO compares favorably in many respects with other propagating convectively coupled equatorial waves. One implication is that the larger convective envelopes within the Tropics tend to be composed of more shallow convection along their leading edges, a combination of deep convection and stratiform rainfall in their centers, and then a preponderance of stratiform rainfall along their trailing edges, regardless of scale or propagation direction. While this may ultimately be the factor that governs the dynamical similarities across the various wave types, it raises questions about how the smaller-scale, higher-frequency disturbances making up the MJO conspire to produce its heating and dynamical structures. This suggests that the observed cloud morphology is dictated by fundamental interactions with the large-scale circulation.
机译:通过将来自重新分析和探空仪数据的动态场投影到时空滤波后的长波辐射(OLR)数据上,对Madden-Julian振荡(MJO)的三维结构进行了统计研究。 MJO对流通常在低层对流层低层会聚和向上运动之前,而沉降,冷却和干燥则占上风。这导致边界层变湿和浅对流的发展,随后在深对流开始时,水分逐渐,然后更快地向对流层中部扩散。在最大的降雨通过之后,西风爆发区域伴随有层状降水,对流层较低的沉降和干燥与对流层持续向上的运动相吻合。加热场的演变导致有利于MJO增长的温度结构。分析还揭示了MJO演化过程中垂直结构的明显差异,大概反映了MJO的垂直加热剖面,相速度或传播的基本状态循环的变化。动力学结构和云形态的演化MJO中的波涛与其他传播的对流耦合赤道波在许多方面都具有优势。这意味着热带地区较大的对流包络往往由其前缘的较浅对流,其中心的深对流和层状降雨的组合,然后沿其后缘的优势层状降雨组成,无论规模或传播方向。尽管这最终可能是决定各种波类型动力学相似性的因素,但它引起了有关构成MJO的小规模,高频干扰如何共同产生其热力和动力结构的问题。这表明观测到的云形态是由与大尺度环流的基本相互作用决定的。



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