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Sunscreen use in student athletes: A survey study


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Collegiate athletes who participate in outdoor sports are repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. A previous study found that 85% of collegiate athletes had not applied sunscreen in the past 7 days of practice. We conducted a survey study of collegiate athletes examining frequency and formulation of sunscreen use, parental and coach encouragement for sun protection, and the impact of family history of skin cancer upon sunscreen use. After approval from the institutional review board at Eastern Virginia Medical School and consent from coaches of collegiate athletic teams, a link for an anonymous, voluntary, Internet-based survey was sent to the coach to forward to their athletes. Participants answered questions to multiple-choice questions. Statistical analysis was performed using software (SAS, Version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC).
机译:参加户外运动的大学运动员反复受到紫外线辐射。先前的一项研究发现,在过去的7天中,有85%的大学运动员没有使用过防晒霜。我们对大学运动员进行了一项调查研究,研究了防晒剂使用的频率和配方,父母和教练对防晒的鼓励,以及皮肤癌家族史对防晒剂的影响。在获得东弗吉尼亚医学院的机构审查委员会的批准并得到大学运动队教练的同意后,匿名的,基于互联网的自愿调查链接被发送给教练,以转发给运动员。参与者回答了多项选择题。使用软件(SAS,版本9.2,SAS Institute Inc,卡里,北卡罗来纳州)进行统计分析。



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