首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers >Vapor-liquid equilibria of water plus acetic acid, and water plus propionic acid systems saturated with sodium chloride

Vapor-liquid equilibria of water plus acetic acid, and water plus propionic acid systems saturated with sodium chloride


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The vapor-liquid equilibrium data for water + acetic acid and water + propionic acid systems saturated with sodium chloride are reported at atmospheric pressure. The experimental data satisfy the Herington thermodynamic consistency test. Water is observed to be a salting-in component. An azeotrope is formed at 74.09 mol% of water for the saturated sodium chloride + water + acetic acid system. For the water + propionic acid system, the location of azeotrope is changed from 94.97 to 81.25 mol% of water when saturated sodium chloride is added to the system. Without any additional adjustable parameter, a calculation method developed in our previous work is utilized to predict the salt effect on the vapor-liquid equilibrium. For both systems, the predicted results agree well with the experimental data, with the mean deviations of vapor-phase composition and bubble point temperature being less than 1.7 mol% and 1.6 K, respectively. [References: 9]
机译:报告了在大气压力下水+乙酸和水+丙酸体系被氯化钠饱和的气液平衡数据。实验数据满足赫林顿热力学一致性测试。观察到水是一种盐化成分。对于饱和氯化钠+水+乙酸体系,在水的74.09mol%处形成共沸物。对于水+丙酸体系,当将饱和氯化钠添加到系统中时,共沸物的位置从94.97%更改为81.25 mol%的水。在没有任何其他可调参数的情况下,我们先前工作中开发的计算方法可用于预测盐对气液平衡的影响。对于两种系统,预测结果均与实验数据吻合良好,气相组成和沸点温度的平均偏差分别小于1.7 mol%和1.6K。 [参考:9]



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