首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : >Stroke outcomes among participants randomized to chlorthalidone, amlodipine or lisinopril in ALLHAT

Stroke outcomes among participants randomized to chlorthalidone, amlodipine or lisinopril in ALLHAT


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The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) was a randomized, double-blind, practice based, active control, comparative effectiveness trial in 33,357 high risk hypertensive participants. ALLHAT compared cardiovascular disease outcomes in participants initially treated with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (lisinopril), a calcium channel blocker (amlodipine), or a thiazide type diuretic (chlorthalidone). We report stroke outcomes in 1517 participants in trial and 1596 additional participants during post trial passive surveillance, for a total follow up of 8-13 years. Stroke rates were higher with lisinopril (6-year rate/100 = 6.4) than with chlorthalidone (5.8) or amlodipine (5.5) in trial but not including post trial (10-year rates/100 = 13.2 [chlorthalidone] 13.1[amlodipine], and 13.7 [lisinopril]. In-trial differences were driven by race (race-by-lisinopril/chlorthalidone interaction P = .005, race-by-amlodipine/lisinopril interaction P = .012) and gender (gender-by-lisinopril/amlodipine interaction P = .041), separately. No treatment differences overall, or by race or gender, were detected over the 10-year period. No differences appeared among treatment groups in adjusted risk of all cause mortality including post trial for participants with nonfatal in-trial strokes. Among Blacks and women, lisinopril was less effective in preventing stroke in trial than either chlorthalidone or amlodipine, even after adjusting for differences in systolic blood pressure. These differences abated by the end of the post trial period. (C) 2014 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
机译:预防心脏病发作的降压降脂治疗(ALLHAT)是一项针对33,357位高危高血压参与者的随机,双盲,基于实践,主动控制,比较有效性的试验。 ALLHAT比较了最初接受血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(赖诺普利),钙通道阻滞剂(氨氯地平)或噻嗪类利尿剂(氯噻酮)治疗的参与者的心血管疾病结局。我们报告了1517名试验参与者和1596名额外的参与者在试验后的被动监测过程中发生卒中的结果,总共进行了8-13年的随访。在试验中,赖诺普利(6年比率/ 100 = 6.4)的中风发生率高于氯噻酮(5.8)或氨氯地平(5.5),但不包括试验后(10年比率/ 100 = 13.2 [氯噻酮] 13.1 [氨氯地平] ,和13.7 [赖诺普利]。种族差异(种族间赖诺普利/氯噻酮相互作用P = .005,种族间与氨氯地平/赖诺普利相互作用P = .012)和性别(两性赖诺普利) /氨氯地平相互作用(P = .041),在10年期间未发现总体治疗差异,种族或性别差异,治疗组之间所有原因致死风险的调整后差异均无统计学意义,包括对受试者非致命性卒中。在黑人和女性中,即使调整了收缩压的差异,赖诺普利在试验中的预防卒中的效果也比氯噻酮或氨氯地平要差。这些差异在试验期结束时有所减轻。 )2014美国学会高血压版权所有。


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