首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : >Wrist circumference as a novel predictor of hypertension and cardiovascular disease: results of a decade follow up in a West Asian cohort

Wrist circumference as a novel predictor of hypertension and cardiovascular disease: results of a decade follow up in a West Asian cohort


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No study has yet evaluated the effect of wrist circumference on risk of incident hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in an adult population. The present study included 3642 women, aged >= 30 years, free of CVD at baseline, who had undergone health examinations between January 1999 and 2001 and were followed up until March 2010. Cox proportional hazard regression was performed to assess the hazard ratios (HRs) of wrist circumference for CVD and hypertension events. During 10 years of follow up, 284 cases of first CVD and 615 cases of incident hypertension occurred. In a model adjusted for conventional CVD risk factors, the HR of 1 cm increase in wrist circumference was 1.15 (1.06-1.25) for hypertension and was marginally significant for CVD (HR, 1.12 [1.00-1.25]; P-value 0.052). After considering body mass index and waist circumference in the model, we found significant interaction between waist circumference and wrist circumference in risk prediction of hypertension and CVD (P <.001). In non centrally obese women (waist circumference <95 cm), in multivariable model plus body mass index and waist circumference, increase in wrist circumference was independently associated with both hypertension (HR, 1.17 [1.02-1.35]) and CVD (HR, 1.29 [1.03-1.61]). However, among centrally obese women (waist circumference >= 95 cm), wrist circumference increase could not predict either hypertension (HR, 0.97 [0.84-1.18]) or CVD events (HR, 0.90 [0.75-1.07]). Wrist circumference as a novel anthropometric measure was an independent predictor for incident hypertension and CVD events among non centrally obese women. (C) 2014 American Society of Hypertension. All rights reserved.
机译:尚未有研究评估腕围对成年人口发生高血压和心血管疾病(CVD)的风险的影响。本研究包括3642名年龄≥30岁,基线时没有CVD的妇女,她们在1999年1月至2001年间接受了健康检查,并一直随访到2010年3月。进行了Cox比例风险回归以评估危险比(HRs )手腕周围发生CVD和高血压事件。在10年的随访期间,发生了284例初次CVD和615例突发性高血压。在针对常规CVD危险因素进行调整的模型中,腕围1 cm的HR增加对高血压为1.15(1.06-1.25),而对于CVD则微不足道(HR为1.12 [1.00-1.25]; P值为0.052)。在模型中考虑了体重指数和腰围后,我们发现腰围和腕围之间存在显着的相互作用,可预测高血压和CVD的风险(P <.001)。在非中心型肥胖妇女(腰围<95 cm)中,在多变量模型加上体重指数和腰围中,腕围的增加与高血压(HR,1.17 [1.02-1.35])和CVD(HR,1.29)相关。 [1.03-1.61])。然而,在中度肥胖的女性(腰围> = 95 cm)中,腕围的增加不能预测高血压(HR,0.97 [0.84-1.18])或CVD事件(HR,0.90 [0.75-1.07])。腕围是一种新颖的人体测量方法,是非中枢性肥胖妇女发生高血压和CVD事件的独立预测因子。 (C)2014年美国高血压学会。版权所有。



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