首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Dietetic Association >Factors associated with the offering and sale of competitive foods and school lunch participation.

Factors associated with the offering and sale of competitive foods and school lunch participation.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify factors that predict offering and sale of competitive foods, as well as factors that predict average daily participation in school lunch. DESIGN: Surveys were distributed to 271 school foodservice directors in a random sample of high schools in Pennsylvania that were selected to be representative of the entire population of high schools in Pennsylvania based on chosen demographic characteristics. SUBJECTS: Two hundred twenty-eight school foodservice directors (84%) returned surveys. STATISTICAL ANALYSES: Descriptive and multiple regression analyses were done using SPSS version 11.5 (2002, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). RESULTS: Percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals and timing of lunch were significant predictors of a la carte sales. Enrollment was negatively associated with number of vending machines per student. The number of less nutritious food items offered in vending machines and existence of soft drink machines owned by soft drink companies, for which the school receives a percent of sales, both predicted number of vending machines per student. Enrollment was inversely related to average daily participation in school lunch. The percentage of students eligible for free/reduced-price meals and enforcement of a policy prohibiting parents or students from bringing food into the cafeteria from local fast-food establishments positively predicted average daily participation in school lunch. CONCLUSIONS: These findings may be useful to school wellness councils in developing wellness policies as mandated by the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, as well as in structuring school environments to promote more healthful food choices by students.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是确定预测提供和销售竞争性食品的因素,以及预测平均每天参加学校午餐的因素。设计:对宾夕法尼亚州各高中的随机样本中的271名学校餐饮服务主管进行了调查,这些样本根据所选择的人口统计学特征被选为代表宾夕法尼亚州所有高中人口的代表。主题:228名学校餐饮服务主管(84%)返回了调查。统计分析:使用SPSS 11.5版(2002年,SPSS Inc,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州)进行描述性和多元回归分析。结果:有资格获得免费或减价餐的学生百分比和午餐时间是点菜销售的重要预测指标。入学人数与每个学生的自动售货机数量呈负相关。自动售货机中提供的营养食品较少的数量以及软饮料公司所拥有的软饮料机的存在,学校会从中获得一定百分比的销售额,这两者都是每名学生预测的自动售货机数量。入学与平均每天参加学校午餐成反比。有资格享受免费/低价餐的学生百分比,以及执行一项禁止父母或学生从当地快餐店将食物带入自助餐厅的政策的比例,积极地预测了学校午餐的平均每日参与量。结论:这些发现对于学校健康委员会根据2004年《儿童营养和WIC重新授权法案》制定的健康政策,以及在构建学校环境以促进学生选择更多健康食品方面可能有用。



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